Finsbury Park mosque attack

My old gaffer many many years ago warned me there would be a civil war in this country,it seems his thoughts are getting closer by the week,2 wrongs don't make a right,but a can of worms is well and truly opened now

Old guys like him are everywhere telling any **** daft enough to listen that it's the end of the world. They are usually racist or bigots of one sort of another, who sieze on any incident that they then use as sort sort of justification for their civil war pronouncements.

What they basically want is whoever they hate wiped out. Men women and children, dehumanising them. Old guys like that need to be taken to task on the shite they spout. Take a look at civil wars anywhere and show me one that ever ended in anything other than fucking hell on earth.

The fact is the vast majority of every community who just want to live in peace. Those who don't need to be dealt with from every community but innocent people killed or attacked from any group needs to be condemned.

The far right fucking love attacks as their crocodile tears don't fool anybody. They use it to further their goal of turning people into your old gaffer and don't give a fuck about the victims.

This guy has just given extra impetus to his evil bastard counterparts in the radicalised groups to perhaps kill other innocents.
It seems like a calculated attack. It would surprise me if it's a coincidence that this particular mosque was targeted.

But the attack was not at the Finsbury Park Mosque, which is on St Thomas's Road, it was at the Muslim Welfare House which is round the corner on Seven Sisters Road. This might seem a minor distinction, but it isn't, there is a real distinction, I lived just round the corner on Ambler Road for five years so I know the area well. What I'm saying is you would have to do your homework to know that people would gather at the Welfare House, from the front it looks like a fairly anonymous bookshop.

The news is now confirming that the victims had exited the Muslim Welfare House.

Here's their website....

This place goes back some way from the road, and has facilities for all sorts of activities.
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Old guys like him are everywhere telling any **** daft enough to listen that it's the end of the world. They are usually racist or bigots of one sort of another, who sieze on any incident that they then use as sort sort of justification for their civil war pronouncements.

What they basically want is whoever they hate wiped out. Men women and children, dehumanising them. Old guys like that need to be taken to task on the shite they spout. Take a look at civil wars anywhere and show me one that ever ended in anything other than fucking hell on earth.

The fact is the vast majority of every community who just want to live in peace. Those who don't need to be dealt with from every community but innocent people killed or attacked from any group needs to be condemned.

The far right fucking love attacks as their crocodile tears don't fool anybody. They use it to further their goal of turning people into your old gaffer and don't give a fuck about the victims.

This guy has just given extra impetus to his evil bastard counterparts in the radicalised groups to perhaps kill other innocents.
Absolutely right.

There's plenty of idiots who spout off at any opportunity about the sorts of things that annoy them. They are best ignored.

We are a million miles from civil war in this country. The worst that may happen is a bit of localised civil disobedience that pond life will use as an excuse to get a new 60 inch 4K OLED TV when a few shops get looted.
Mate, I'm Muslim and I don't like the atmosphere in these places. It's not because you're a non Muslim that they seem to come across to you that way. The people that frequent and run these places are usually narrow minded dullards. They have self pious attitudes and are generally up there own arses and quick to criticise. They see religion as the defining factor in everything and so see themselves as superior for no other reason than that they are religious.
I don't like their attitudes so I don't go anymore. As a Muslim I am sorry you had this experience in a Muslim place of worship, but I'm not surprised.

A couple of weeks each year I do free work locally to me here in Nottingham, mostly free decorating in local community centres and charity places and others that have been converted for worship for all faiths like the local llibrary down my road that was shut down and then reopened and converted for Muslim place of worship that I helped out at. At no time did I feel not welcome when going in to any of these places and that includes places for the first time when they didn't know what I was there for, obviously being someone new I got a few stares but that to me is nothing out of the ordinary.

I'm white and totally none religous and have felt fine after the initial stares and looks, none moreso than at a jeahova witness place that I went to near me and helped out at and this after turning them away from my door loads of times when knocking and me saying how daft I thought they're thinking was.

There will be be places that you won't feel welcome but they are the small few an isn't just places of worship I't's just the same when going into a local pub that you might not have been in before.

I think if you go into anywhere and think beforehand you might feel unwelcome a few stares and odd looks will make you think that, when it's just normal behaviour towards someone new and not known to the people in there.
Wow twitter is just full of gossip tbh... no wonder people get peed off after reading some of the hype and anger on there.

It's another nutter, it will be labelled as terror as usual, ffs these people are sick in the head
Finsbury Park mosque has been described as an ISIS training camp rather than a place of quiet contemplation, given the number of hate preachers who have appeared there and should've been shut down years ago.

Described when?

It was shut down. 14 years ago! Reopened with new trustees.

It really doesn't help to get things wrong. Perhaps the attacker was living in the past too.

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