Fixtures Calendar - 2022/23

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After reading through this thread, I am shocked at how many supporters refuse to sing the national anthem. I sing it with pride, as we are a nation that have been at the forefront of a lot of good things in history. Sure we have faltered as a nation but what countries haven't? eg. Germany, USA, France etc. yet they have no problem showing their patriotism. Remember we have opened our boundaries to lots of nations to reside in, provided them with housing and benefits and a free health care service via NHS. We have just lost a monarch that was revered right around the world, as has been testimonied these last few days. I for one look at the future with a bit of dread as I'm not sure what leaders we have in place to take us forward and believe the moral fibre of this country has been watered down until it has become weak, however I do feel one way to move forward is to unite and be proud of who we are as a nation! God save the King!
No need to worry about the future after all. The new King is in favour of all youngsters doing a little community service according to the first director of the princes trust on tv earlier. We are in good hands and we can look forward with pride knowing that all young people and not just the majority will have a sense of pride in their communities and will grow into fine upstanding young adults. God save the King.
Therein lies our differences! As I say I'm surprised how many have this opinion.
I'd imagine there's quite a strong generational element to it.

I used to be a bit more angsty about it in my teens and twenties, but have accepted I'm in a minority and people do have quite a strong attachment to it so I just leave them to it as long as it doesn't tip over into ultra-nationalism. But yeah you won't get me singing it, I'm afraid.
Doesn't matter whether the Funeral is Sunday or Monday ... a day or two leading up to it might to see games postponed anyway as police not only needed on the day of the funeral only but a couple of days leading up to it. It's got to be a state funeral and biggest we've seen in recent times and that means a whole lot of heads of states and delegates coming in from all over the world to attend and so there's bound to be some services or something formal on the day before as well, especially if funeral is Monday, the Sunday would see services all over the country in churches etc. The mood to be somber and all leading up to the service on Monday. And police I already said required to be dealing with all the heads of states / delegates landing, staying, attending etc. etc. All that points to next weekend games being in jeopardy.

Actually makes a lot more sense to have postponed next weekend games as opposed to this one, which was just knee jerk and without much thought to next weekend at all.
A national anthem should relate to the nation, not to one privileged individual. This has always been my beef with it. I'm proud to be British but the anthem does nothing to inspire me.
Patriotism last refuge of the scoundrel...
A national anthem should relate to the nation, not to one privileged individual. This has always been my beef with it. I'm proud to be British but the anthem does nothing to inspire me.
Patriotism last refuge of the scoundrel ..Doug Stanhope american comedian's skit on this is very good. And sums up all thats wrong about patriotism...
Another theory of course of not having a PL game for almost a month is that Liverpool are shite right now, so PL has just jumped on an opportunity to give them time to sort themselves out, so they can have them back in the title race ...

IF next weekend goes the way this one did, we last played the PL game on 3rd September and the next PL game for us will be the derby on 2nd October ... a whole month without PL and this is supposedly the cramped season with World Cup in the middle of it.
A national anthem should relate to the nation, not to one privileged individual. This has always been my beef with it. I'm proud to be British but the anthem does nothing to inspire me.
Patriotism last refuge of the scoundrel...
Therein lies our differences! As I say I'm surprised how many have this opinion.
Therein lies our differences! As I say I'm surprised how many have this opinion.
Sooo many of my pals, family fellow blues have the same surprised you havent met many tbf. Don't get mre wrong i wont lambast anyone who disagrees with me 1,000's do of course. Long live a democracy
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