My parents were badly affected, water got into the house and affected the electrics too. They were trapped inside and had no heating until late last night, by which time temperatures had started to dip below zero. My mum's disabled and not one of the helplines they called offered them so much as a bottle of water or a blanket.
They have issues every few months now, but this one was much worse. Living in that house growing up I don't remember a single issue. They firmly blame the rapid urbanisation of the area, with Stockport council apparently hell bent on wiping out any green belt land to approve new homes, as well as the frankly criminal planning of the airport relief road.
The worrying thing is that a developer is pushing to build hundreds if not thousands of new houses on the few remaining fields less than half a mile from them, really cramming them in there. Apparently the latest housing development was completely cut off and badly flooded, half million pound homes finished just last year and they're now realizing they are all at huge flood risk, wonder if the buyers were told that at the time of purchase. Wonder if they even conducted an assessment. Wonder who they paid off.
I know they've also complained to the council and united utilities about blocked drains several times, and been batted from one to the other one whose responsibility it is, ultimately to be told they're supposed to be done on an 18 month rolling basis but there is no money for it currently, that the drains are too old and need replacing to cope, and there is no budget to do that. Yet still they build. Greedy bastards.
At the same time as being asked to pay an additional £59 by the council to have their garden waste collections continue, because apparently that's not included in council tax anymore. The mismanagement in most of our local councils seems absolutely staggering to be honest.