Foden video

It's not even the Manchester arena,my previous company had one, the VIP boxes have private entrances that have a short corridor and a small set of stairs, once you are in you do not need to leave, and you get to them from the main concourse and are escorted to the door.

Turns out this happened in May 2021 not sure where it is...
But City (so presumably Foden), and GMP say it is
People keep talking about this vip area like It's some sort of member only elite club.

He's in a box - loads of companies have them and give them out to staff / clients for events. He could of been in a box next to one owned by a builders merchant or a used car garage, any person from any walk of society could have had access to that walkway.

From memory they are through 1 door off the aisle entrances that everyone in the stadium uses.
that’s not protecting her son though is it ? Her actions caused Foden to leave the box and run out into the middle of trouble
You're blaming his Mum? really?

Focus on the cunts starting the trouble not a Mum protecting her kid who then gets twatted by brave wankers
To tell them to fuck off, which she did.
And then some. She needs to quickly realise that her son is in the limelight and will now and again get dickheads having a pop. Offering them out isn't protecting her son, she made the wrong choice that night, making a bad situation much worse. She should have stayed in the room with him.
nope not blaming his mum just saying her actions escalated the problem and she should’ve shut the door and stayed inside
You're wrong.......look at other's not just one incident. Lack of decent security is the problem.

A few big cunts outside and no hassle.

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