footballers faces you would never tire of punching

GAZZA said:
It's a good job Nasri plays for City because he has a very annoying, punchable face.

This one is a kickable.
fathellensbellend said:
which players do you have an irrational hatred of

jack Wilshire for me, I hate the odious prick, every time he gets tackled it takes him an age to get up, and pulls a face like, how dare you tackle me, also the way he fabricated a story about how city fans were calling his kids names, yet fast forward to arsenal winning the cup, at their parade this gobshite is bellowing down the microphone "what do you think of Tottenham, and what do think of shit.

special mentions for kyle walker and glen Johnson also

Agree about Wilshere he reminds me of Lee Bowyer, a chav playing football.

His kicking of a taxi cab because he was a Spurs fan and getting his mates to punch a woman just shows he's a prick

Kyle Walker is just thick, but still double the amount of braincells than Rooney and Ferdinand combined (not that difficult)
Thaksins Love Child said:
Stephen Hunt

That bloke that plays for Hull, think it might be Boyd, reminds me of Hunt, not only looks like him but is a snide little shit. Him, Charlie Adam and Cattermole need a right old slap
Top 3:

1) McMinimum
2) Rohypnol van Pervie

Just let me add that there might be a list of 50+ footballers over the years for my part that I'd like (in a fantasy world) to smash in the face. And Jizzudive has shot up all the way to #3 in such a short interval. At that rate of increase he should soon figure to leave all others far, far behind I think.

EDIT: Chomps the diving racist cannibal would be a very solid 4 for me as I think on it.

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