For those that thought it was funny to abuse.....


if they are true blues, welcome and enjoy it, but there is alot of "ADULT HUMOUR" upon these here forums!
robb is there a little collection of blues up that neck of the woods, i was driving through barrow last week and seen 2seperate lads in city shirts. thought it would be far enogh out of town to be rag country but never saw 1 rag shirt, weird!
cleavers said:
.....a couple of new, and young, bluemoon members yesterday evening, I hope you are proud of your stupid comments.

City Soul Boy introduced his kids to bluemoon in good faith, and while they conducted themselves very well, some of the childish sh!t posted by people who should have known better was pure genius.

If any of you that did have kids, I hope you never have to explain why fellow blues abuse them. You might think he was ill advised letting them in here, but why not ? They're blues, and this place is for all blues. At least they showed they were more adult, than some of the so called "adult" blues on here.

For those who actually said "welcome" to them, thanks for showing that we are not all idiots here.

The topics have been removed now, at the request of the posters dad, I just hope they haven't been scared off for good.

agreed it this fucking rag paranoia
whereas i fully agree with the op i also seem to remember bluemoon have having a minium age of 13, i dont know if this still applies but it may help if it did.
someone said the admin/mods should get tough, i think we do ok, we are (in the main)all adults on here and we are going to get all kinds of comments and posts.if i see something i dont like the look of it will be removed and if a warning not heeded so will the poster, wether that is deemed weak or tough can be debated all day but its about opinion, the next mod may see things different from myself and act in a different way, i consider myself a rum bugger and if it offends me then it must be bad.overall considering the pure number of members the site is a total success.this rag first post thing is harmless but thats where the teasing should stop.

and if it aint broke.
Da_Blu_Moona said:
cleavers said:
If you were 10 (or 14) you might think different.

Its pretty sad that they are chased away by fellow blues.

That's true considering their ages, but it's the internet and people really think they can say things from computers and get away with it. Considering the number of RAGS and dodgy journos we get posing on here as blues for a bit of fun or a scoop you can't blame some blues for being dicks. If on this occasion it was infact two young kids who got abused then it totally isn't on but I'm sure you can see where the abusers are coming from in not taking the 2 new members seriously?

no i cant understand it,
so some tosser of a journo or rag gets under the netting big deal, they will show there true colours sooner or later. it like being in a feral dog pack that turns in and attacks members of its own pack. if you real want to make us a laughing stock what do you think all this paranoia is doing to our credibility as a fans forum, the rags and journo`s must be pissing themselves
GAZZA said:
Ricster said:
I read the thread and while the moron's tailed off after a couple of pages, those moron's really need to get a life. And its the same one's over and over again that slag folk off on here and get away with it.

Only way it will stop is if the mods and admin get tough. But thats something for them to sort out. You could claim that they contributed to the problem, as they haven't really taken much action on calling every new member that gets called "rag", like i did, when they first join.
Oh dear did you get called a RAG when you first joined, I hope the counselling is coming along well and you do get over it.

This is one of those things that was funny for the first time, possibly the second but talk about kicking the arse out of something. It's just tedious now.

The personal abuse is the one thing that spoils this board and the one area that lets it down in my opinion. The board can be excellent, informative, interesting and funny for 99% of the time but it can also be childish and yobbish. We need a respect campaign of our own and for fellow blues to abuse each other, especially those just starting on the journey, is unacceptable.
I dont know how many kids under a certain age come on here or even if there are kids who would like to but are deemed too young, If (and Im sure it is a big if) there were enough that wanted too, maybe Ric could find a way to accomodate them i.e. a seperate forum space for under 15's that should anyone post abuse or inappropriate content in then its an instant ban for a set period. This may well be more work than Ric can accomodate or there may just not be the appeal but at least that way if people post in there they know the rules and if the kids stray out of there, so do they and there parents ?
Obviously not my place to say what should or shouldnt happen just a suggestion from a concerned forum member.
I dont let my 14 year old lad on here but thats to protect you lot, not him ;o)
manchester blue said:
GAZZA said:
Ricster said:
I read the thread and while the moron's tailed off after a couple of pages, those moron's really need to get a life. And its the same one's over and over again that slag folk off on here and get away with it.

Only way it will stop is if the mods and admin get tough. But thats something for them to sort out. You could claim that they contributed to the problem, as they haven't really taken much action on calling every new member that gets called "rag", like i did, when they first join.
Oh dear did you get called a RAG when you first joined, I hope the counselling is coming along well and you do get over it.

This is one of those things that was funny for the first time, possibly the second but talk about kicking the arse out of something. It's just tedious now.

The personal abuse is the one thing that spoils this board and the one area that lets it down in my opinion. The board can be excellent, informative, interesting and funny for 99% of the time but it can also be childish and yobbish. We need a respect campaign of our own and for fellow blues to abuse each other, especially those just starting on the journey, is unacceptable.

agreed. but before the respect campaign starts can i just call GAZZA a dick. ;-}

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