For those that thought it was funny to abuse.....

Can t wait for the kids to get home from school show em these posts they will be well chuffed thanks everyone ctid me kids as well !
I don't think it was a great idead to introduce your kids to the forum. It's not really kids friendly.

But that is in no way meant to be a stab at you, it's just one of the sad, sad realities of human nature that people behave like dicks behind a keyboard.

Hope the small ones haven't been turned off City.
sdavros said:
I don't think it was a great idead to introduce your kids to the forum. It's not really kids friendly.

But that is in no way meant to be a stab at you, it's just one of the sad, sad realities of human nature that people behave like dicks behind a keyboard.

Hope the small ones haven't been turned off City.
No mate there city thru and thru take your point though
I'm all for people of all ages coming on here and posting about football.

NOT clogging up the board with 'LOOK OVER HERE< LOOK AT ME!!!' crap. I have no idea why people do all that and they were the worst I've seen for it. If they were that desperate to say hello they could have done it in one topic.

I couldn't give a toss if they are rags or not but if they want to post then get on with it and stop filling the board with attention seeking drivel.
Yeah, I think 14 is probably ok in terms of an age for reading the site (as long as, at that age, the posters uses their judgement to stay away from any 'dodgy looking' topics on the Off Forum) but 10 would, in my opinion, be a little too young. In fact, and I may be wrong here as I joined up under the previous incarnation of the site, there may even be a tick box or something like that when registering where you have to confirm you're at least either 12 or 14 years of age. If there isn't anymore there certainly used to be.

Not that any of the above should be seen as condoning last nights two threads.
masterwig said:
I'm all for people of all ages coming on here and posting about football.

NOT clogging up the board with 'LOOK OVER HERE< LOOK AT ME!!!' crap. I have no idea why people do all that and they were the worst I've seen for it. If they were that desperate to say hello they could have done it in one topic.

I couldn't give a toss if they are rags or not but if they want to post then get on with it and stop filling the board with attention seeking drivel.

agree im always a bit suspicious of hello i've just joined posts. i do think making a 50 posts before you start a thread rule would be good, i've seen that on a lot of other forums.
problem with the net is the anonymity it offers. Not only do people have the courage to say things they wouldn't in real life, it also means people can become whoever they want, both without repercussions.

its the same the web over, just look on youtube, some of the comments are horrendous.

its sad to hear what happened to the younguns, i dont know to what extent as i never read the thread but honestly, id suggest that a lot of internet sites should be vetted before allowing your kids access to them, especially if its your own suggestion.

the shame is, as sites gain more publicity and more members, it attracts a large amount of people who write and type without thinking. another forum i read every now and then has done that, and now instead of discussion, it has just descended into hundreds of anonymous people saying exactly the same thing and insulting each other.

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