Foreign Film Thread!

stonerblue said:
'Delicatessen' is a must-see, as is 'Amelie,

These two plus Jean de Florette/Manon des Sources, Let The Right One In, Babette's Feast and Ils (Them).

Ooh and Pelle The Conqueror, Gomorrah and the Three Colours (Red, White and Blue) Trilogy. Loads really.
Its already been said numerous times on this thread but La Haine is an amazing flick. Absolutely brilliant.
Der Untergang
Cinema Paradiso
La vita è bella
Spirited Away
Arbres Los Ojos
Giles said:
stonerblue said:
'Delicatessen' is a must-see, as is 'Amelie,

These two plus Jean de Florette/Manon des Sources, Let The Right One In, Babette's Feast and Ils (Them).

Ooh and Pelle The Conqueror, Gomorrah and the Three Colours (Red, White and Blue) Trilogy. Loads really.

La Cite des Enfants Perdues (City of Lost Children), directed by the same guy who did Delicatessen and Amelie is a good flick (although very surreal and mind-boggling, but it features a young Ron Perlman speaking French!), as is A Very Long Engagement.

I also loved Stephen Soderbergh's Che Part One and Che Part Two - the first film is about Ernesto 'Che' Guevara's role in the Cuban Revolution by the 26th July movement and the second part is about his failed guerrilla campaign in Bolivia.

The Hong Kong thriller Infernal Affairs (upon which The Departed is based, I think) is also good and the two sequels aren't bad. Anyway, that's my two penneth...
I'd also agree with those who've mentioned Der Untergang, which is a fantastic movie. Die Falscher (The Counterfeiters) is another good German WW2 movie, and Black Book is a very good Dutch film about the resistance during war.
some foreign films i can recommend (mostly war films, been in the habbit of wanting to see war films from another perspective)

Army of Shadow - french film from the 60s, its about the french resistance in ww2. brilliant film, one of my favourites

the wajda trilogy of films - A Generation, Kanal, Ashes and Diamonds. Polish films directed by wajda in the 50s. first film about poles under occupation, second about warsaw uprising, third after liberation. they arent a trilogy in the sense they show the same characters in each so you dont have to watch all three. kanal is the best, very very grim, the last part of the film is spent in the sewers under warsaw trying to escape the nazis. pretty bleak film well worth watching

A Shop on the Highstreet - czechoslovakian film from the 60s, set just during nazi occupation and follows a czech bloke who is given an order to take over an old jewish womans can see the terrible ending building up throughout the film. definitely worth watching

Closely Watched Trains - another czechoslovakian film from the 60s. centres around a small village train station during nazi occuptation. follows a young lad who basically spends the whole film trying to get his end away while the war carries on around him

The Marriage of Maria Braun - west german film from late 70s. follows the story of a german woman from the end of the war into the 50s trying to make a good life for herself and her imprisoned husband.
Closely Watched Trains - another czechoslovakian film from the 60s. centres around a small village train station during nazi occuptation. follows a young

sorry to be a nerd i think it's closely observed

awesome film
i love world cinema because most of them are really freaky and weird

my favorites are:

pans labarynth
the orphanage
let the right one in

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