Forgetting Joe Mercer and Roberto Mancini...........

Wasn't alive for Book's eras at the club but when at games with my grandfather he idolized Book and said no manager came close to him or Mercer.

From my years watching City it has to be Keegan.
black mamba said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
We played some decent stuff under Brian Horton with Beagrie, Walsh and Uwe. For some reason though we couldn't win away from home iof I remember rightly, some scintillating footie at home though.

Yes , i must admit i enjoyed watched Hortons City side ..... very entertaining.

A very likeable character was Brian Horton.


Think we played some very nice stuff under Horton
meeesh said:
Freds Patio said:
In my lifetime i'd have to go for Kevin Keegan. That year in Division One made a 10 year old Freds Patio very happy

I was 30 mate that season,and believe me it was amazing,even Huckerby the third choice striker managed to bag over 20 goals,we almost scored 5 every home game,Benarbia,Berkovic,The Goat,Wanchope,Wiekens at back,what a bloody great season that was

This. I was torn between Keegan and Joe Royle for about 1 second but the footy we played winning the Championship was brilliant.
Alan Ball always gets the shit, but the worst football I've seen city play was under Clark.
Keegan started off really well with a fairly modest budget initially. Ali b and berkovic were great signings and the football we played was out of this world. First season in the premier league was great. Anelka was a good signing and Shauny wright started to properly show what he was about. We finished in the top half and got 4 points off the rags. The Keegan era had so much promise but ultimately fell flat on its arse with the introduction of fowler, the pointer, seaman, Sibierski, bosvelt and sommeil. He turned an exciting, fresh side in to an ageing, average team. Keegan lost momentum and he would never get that back. He left us in crippling debt leaving Stuart Pearce with a task of having to sell our better players and have no money to spend. Pearce gets all the blame for the shit football we played and although i agree he deserves some of the blame it feels Keegan seems to get off with it scot free.

The way that pony turned the dressing room round for us to get a draw when Pearce didn't have a clue was somewhat short of remarkable for a little stuffed toy.

Seriously though, I liked the football that we played under Tony Book, something that Brian Horton tried to bring back after the successful, but poor to watch Peter Reid side. Horton's side was a nightmare, brilliant one week and clueless the next
Troubadour said:
Sven - the first 1/2 of the season. The football was brilliant and because it was so unexpected it was truly amazing.
And then the story is that he started coaching them!!!

KK Championship season -108 goals - Ali and the Goat . Great football and a smile on my face all season.

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