Fox Hunting.....

But you said humans aren't killing everything.
..........but they're not killing everything, are they?

"....successfully on Earth for so many millions of years before humans came along to kill everything."

You imply that if it's alive, man will seek to kill it, which isn't true.

Has there been a detrimental impact from man's expansion and increased industrial activity, of course there has. The others that you elude to wouldn't exist at all, as they are bred purposely for human consumption.
There are hunting kennels not far from where I live. Some of the dogs are absolutely huge but even though they are pack animals they are all very friendly. They get shot when they can no longer hunt as they won’t let anyone have them as pets even though they crave for human contact.
The hounds are brilliant. It’s the humans involved I would want hunted. I’d pay good money for that. Oh and a channel of the accidents, up to and including death from falls from their horse, who will be totally unharmed.
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Hunting foxes with dogs is barbaric. If there is a problem with foxes, I'm sure there's more humane ways to deal with the problem.

The real problem is that some posh twats like to dress up to the nines, ride around on horses and encourage dogs to rip up foxes for fun. FUN. If you find that fun, there's something fundamentally wrong with you in my opinion. Why is cock-fighting, dog-fighting etc banned? Because it's barbaric. Fox hunting is the posh persons cock-fighting.

It should be banned and maybe we can put some effort into prosecuting people who continually break the law. Make an example of them, get them locked up and let's see how many want to continue to do it.
Hunting foxes with dogs is barbaric. If there is a problem with foxes, I'm sure there's more humane ways to deal with the problem.

The real problem is that some posh twats like to dress up to the nines, ride around on horses and encourage dogs to rip up foxes for fun. FUN. If you find that fun, there's something fundamentally wrong with you in my opinion. Why is cock-fighting, dog-fighting etc banned? Because it's barbaric. Fox hunting is the posh persons cock-fighting.

It should be banned and maybe we can put some effort into prosecuting people who continually break the law. Make an example of them, get them locked up and let's see how many want to continue to do it.
Well said mate
Hunting foxes with dogs is barbaric. If there is a problem with foxes, I'm sure there's more humane ways to deal with the problem.

The real problem is that some posh twats like to dress up to the nines, ride around on horses and encourage dogs to rip up foxes for fun. FUN. If you find that fun, there's something fundamentally wrong with you in my opinion. Why is cock-fighting, dog-fighting etc banned? Because it's barbaric. Fox hunting is the posh persons cock-fighting.

It should be banned and maybe we can put some effort into prosecuting people who continually break the law. Make an example of them, get them locked up and let's see how many want to continue to do it.
For many out riding, the killing of a fox is secondary to dressing up to the nines and galloping across farmers fields for an afternoon. As long as they can do that, it really doesn't matter if it's a fox or drag hunt. Of course there are others that are hoping to catch a fox, and they aren't necessarily all on horseback.

They are generally not present when the fox is caught anyway. A fox is vermin and will kill for pleasure itself, but as you say, in this day and age there are better ways to control the numbers from a wildlife management perspective, or to deal with individuals that become an issue.
I remember seeing a news report when I was young about fox hunting, a good few years before the ban. In it, around hundred hounds chased a fox into a ditch before catching it. It traumatised me, kept me awake a fair few nights afterwards. I remember my Dad screaming in anger at the TV, but then he's always loved animals. As others have said, anyone that partakes in this is a fucking lowlife.

Generally speaking, if it dresses like a ****, and talks like a ****, it's going to act like a ****. That's fox hunters.
For many out riding, the killing of a fox is secondary to dressing up to the nines and galloping across farmers fields for an afternoon. As long as they can do that, it really doesn't matter if it's a fox or drag hunt. Of course there are others that are hoping to catch a fox, and they aren't necessarily all on horseback.

They are generally not present when the fox is caught anyway. A fox is vermin and will kill for pleasure itself, but as you say, in this day and age there are better ways to control the numbers from a wildlife management perspective, or to deal with individuals that become an issue.
A fox is vermin? A fox is just a fox doing fox stuff. I regularly see them round my way, in a semi built up area, they have even just walked past me without even looking at me, It’s the hubris of man to think we need to manage wildlife. We need to manage ourselves 1st.
Hunting foxes with dogs is barbaric. If there is a problem with foxes, I'm sure there's more humane ways to deal with the problem.

The real problem is that some posh twats like to dress up to the nines, ride around on horses and encourage dogs to rip up foxes for fun. FUN. If you find that fun, there's something fundamentally wrong with you in my opinion. Why is cock-fighting, dog-fighting etc banned? Because it's barbaric. Fox hunting is the posh persons cock-fighting.

It should be banned and maybe we can put some effort into prosecuting people who continually break the law. Make an example of them, get them locked up and let's see how many want to continue to do it.

that’s a large part of it, most just want to ride their horses fast across a vast expanse of land.

if you see foxes as vermin and your intent is to cull their numbers then the cost of the hunt (huntmaster wage, feeding and housing the hounds etc) which Is vast could be easily paid to the farmers for permission to ride their land and the rest of the cash given towards more humane and economical methods of culling foxes,

that’s not withstanding the fact that since the ban came in fox numbers have reduced anyway, which is either due to the hunt getting more efficient when they’ve got sabs and public eyes on them constantly or perhaps due up the fact that the tend to catch the older and I’ll foxes. Not doing this means that those foxes now spread disease amongst their own population and reduce their numbers by natural selection

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