Fox Hunting.....

Skashion said:
Lucky13 said:
Skashion said:
Thatcher declared class war on football fans so it's just a bit of tit for tat.
I thought she passed laws on hooligans killing each other.
I believe murder has been illegal for some time now, before Thatcher anyway. Maybe Heath.

It has but then the scousers couldn't help themselves , Heath wouldn't of noticed he was too busy with deck hands.
Lucky13 said:
It has but then the scousers couldn't help themselves , Heath wouldn't of noticed he was too busy with deck hands.
I must have missed the part of the Football Spectators Act that says this only applies to scousers, or the part of the Taylor Report which specified only Anfield and Goodison had to be all-seaters.
Skashion said:
Lucky13 said:
It has but then the scousers couldn't help themselves , Heath wouldn't of noticed he was too busy with deck hands.
I must have missed the part of the Football Spectators Act that says this only applies to scousers, or the part of the Taylor Report which specified only Anfield and Goodison had to be all-seaters.

Don't remember people being killed at those two grounds.
I remember Tony Blair saying in his autobiography that outlawing fox hunting was his biggest regret. Good to see he's got his priorities assembled correctly.

Until someone expains to me why drag hunting cannot be used adequately as an alternative then this matter should not even be debated as far as I'm concerned. It means that participants can get dressed up to look like cunts, have their sherry before the off, have their 'hunt' and not have to tear a wild animal limb from limb at the end.

Many games have rules introduced to make them more civilised and safe: the two footed tackle in football, the wearing of protective gear in cricket. Fox hunters should view this slight shift in their modus operandi along these lines, as it is not preventing them doing all the things they claim they enjoy about this 'sport' rather than the brutal killing of a wild animal going about its business.

As to enforcing this law I agree with Di Nero, target a particular hunt and undertake widespread arrests, then move on to the next one. It'll soon stop. It's widely held by many that the drugs laws of this country are unworkable and I would welcome this MP's feelings on that matter, which I imagine affects a much greater number of his constituents than fox hunting.
Lucky13 said:
I was talking about the two grounds you mentioned , very selective aren't you.
You referred to the scousers (not being able to help themselves) as well as hooligans; very selective aren't you. However, the major incident involving scousers and hooligans took place in Belgium where UK law doesn't apply - making it almost irrelevant in that respect. That was not the real point however, though you are trying your very best to misdirect the focus of our debate - and still coming off second best because of your flawed logic. The point was very clear, all football fans, as a result of Thatcher's legislation, had standing terraces taken away from them in the top divisions. They also would have been criminalised by default and forced to carry ID cards if she'd got her way. Thatcher, ever the hypocrite, very much in favour of getting the state in the way of ALL football fans. To me, that attitude pervades to this day and police treat football fans as dirt still.
Maybe some of the older posters will remember the incident in the late 80's in the Lake District, it made the national news and papers and caused quite a reaction ?
It was the one where the 'Hunt' ended up on a busy walk trail in front of loads of school children and trekkers, I was actually there that day and saw it all unfold, a completely terrified and exhausted fox on top of a small craggy faced cliff surrounded by a pack of hounds with nowhere to go except down, which it did, for a brief moment it looked like the fox (amazingly) was going to negotiate the cliff face and make it down and get away, but unfortunately it lost it's footing and fell the rest of the way, you could hear it's bones breaking and it yelping each time it hit the jagged edges of the cliff face, eventually it hit the floor.
For a few moments it just lay there, breathing heavily and in agony before trying to get up, but it's battered little body couldn't do it, as we all started to gather round, the pack of hounds swooped in and we all witnessed the fox getting ripped to pieces, it probably didn't last more than 10 seconds, but it felt like minutes and something that has stayed with me (and no doubt anyone who witnessed it) to this day.
The other thing I'll never forget was the attitude of 'the gentry', wading through 'the great unwashed', trampling over everyone like we were pieces of shit shouting 'move scum' and suchlike, they need to count themselves lucky I was there that day as part of an interview selection programme, had I not been I would surely have stabbed every one of those fuckers in the face, barbaric bastards.
The moment they quaff their sherry, breathalise the red bastards. Anyone riding around in red coats deserves hanging anyway. Santa included. Seriously, these (for want of a better word ) people, are the scum of the earth.

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