Fox Hunting.....

To use a well known expression, ' that's horseshit'
So most of these good folk are out just to gallop over hedges, race across fields and generally socialize. The question being then, can you not do that without the blood-lust. Do people who go hiking across the same fields need to go chasing animals to enrich their social pastime?
You also make it sound like a game as if the fox being a wily old creature loves the chase and when he's caught its like ' ok lads that was good Craic, see you again next week'.
So most don't witness the kill, which means some do. So do these come back sobbing their hearts out saying they witnessed something terrible? Bollox to that, they're back in the saddle next time and making those who were too far back jealous with their stories of bloodlust
No I've never witnessed a hunt, neither had I seen jimmy saville at home, but I know what's morally wrong and what's right
He's not right in the head mate, according to that clown he's implying the fox is saying ' come on then, catch me if you
I must admit, I do quite enjoy watching the Attenborough type programmes where wolves or lions chase down their prey, kill it and rip it to shreds. When I was a kid, my Mother always hated those programmes for that reason, but I always had a bit of a ‘go on, get it… well done!’ excitement when watching them.

But then, there is a common theory that humans’ niche was originally to scavenge leftover bones of predator hunts and we’d eat the marrow from the bones (discovered due to certain scrape marks left on ancient hominin teeth… and have you ever eaten the bones when you get bacon ribs from the butchers and realised how adept you are at getting the marrow out with just your teeth and lips and knowing which bones to get the marrow from and which not, without any kind of teaching in it?). So maybe that’s in-built ‘let’s watch the kill and wait for our meal’ kind of survival instinct for us to enjoy the hunt and the kill?

I also find watching dogs ratting actually quite impressive, how good they are at it, and you realise what dogs were bread for isn’t going out for a shit in the park on a lead and lying around the house for the rest of the day.
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He's not right in the head mate, according to that clown he's implying the fox is saying ' come on then, catch me if you
Perhaps if I get 20 lads together, he'd agree to a little game where I give him a 60 second head start and then chase him through a council house estate. Most of the fat/ unfit lads won't be able to keep up but maybe only one or 2 would catch him in the end when he's completely exhausted
I understand what you're saying mate, I should've said the thugs on the quad bikes who you see at these hunts will support and probably partake in sick animal abuse. The toffs on horseback will turn a blind eye to it all
The thugs on quad bikes would be nowhere near the hunt if they weren't being paid to be there by the toffs. Classic gang behaviour of paying someone else to commit your violence and intimidation for you, so you have plausible deniability. No different to any other criminal gang.
Nah, still a totally cowardly pastime. So you're making out the fox enjoys it, totally pathetic assumption and one you expect from a hunt supporter
If you'd followed the thread, you'd realize that I am certainly not a hunt supporter, but I do have an understanding of it.
OK Sonny, it's quite apparent that you have never been near a hunt and only know what you do from social media etc, which of course as we all know, is accurate and perfectly true.

You have a very emotional, ill-informed vision of a gang of riders screaming hysterically and frothing at the mouth with excitement while watching a fox ripped to shreds, Blood and guts strewn all around.

For your sake, let's analyze this fox hunting malarkey a little, but in a simplistic form.

On the morning the hunting people all meet and have a chat and generally socialize before setting off. Much like you would on match day in the pub.

The hounds are sent to a particular place, perhaps an area of woodland where the huntsman believes a fox might be. They search this area, it's called a 'draw'. Nothing is found, so they move to another area and do the same. This continues until the hounds pick up the scent of a fox and give chase.

The fox is a smart character and leads the hounds in various directions in an effort to lose them. Through hedges, over streams, backtracking, all over the place and is actually very interesting to watch. You would expect the fox to be in a panic and just run, but they don't, they use the land just as much as they do agility and speed. Sometimes it's successful in getting away, sometimes it's not. (I won't go into blocking dens, because I've never agreed with it).

While this chase is going on and the fox with the hounds in pursuit are racing from field to field, where do you think the jolly old peeps on horseback are?
They are having a blast racing across the farmers field and jumping any hedges that are not too high....or not barbed wire.

If the fox is eventually caught by the hounds, where do you think your toffs are? Miles behind, having a grand old time of it.

What do you think happens, the hounds get to the fox and he turns around and says,
"Fair cop Guv, you got me."

"Can we just 'ang on for a few minutes until the 'orsey folk catch up please. I'd 'ate to go to all the trouble of being savagely ripped apart with only you couple o' folk watching. 'ardly seems worth it mate".

What most are not doing, is being there to witness the kill.

Galloping across farmers fields, jumping his hedges and the socializing is what many, if not most, are there for.

If you ask the question, "How did you get on today?"

The response would be something like, "We caught a dog fox".

What's this "We".........they only know because most often somebody told them!!!
Wow. Where to even start. Firstly, you're right, I've never been near a hunt; and that won't change if I live to be a thousand years old. Because I'm not a scumbag.

You have the audacity to equate match going football fans to the lowlifes that go hunting foxes in the name of pleasure. Key distinction, Sonny; football fans go to a match to watch some football and they don't partake in killing wild animals for fun on the way to the ground. And the dickheads that do cause trouble and incite violence with others are dealt with accordingly by the law.

You then have the cheek to suggest Mr.Fox is a keen participant in this cruel game and gets some enjoyment by trying to evade and outthink a group of hounds that outnumber him by 100-1, as though it were some innocent game of animal hide-and-seek.

You frame the hunt as some fun day out for the hunters whilst sidelining the endgame of the pastime itself: killing a fox. That is quite literally what they set out to do. If they're that enamoured with the social, with the galloping over the hedges and attiring themselves like liquorice all-sorts, then, as others have alluded to, cannot they do this without setting out to maul a fox to death? You make out as though the fox being killed is a natural, unavoidable byproduct of a group of people going out horse-riding. I love mountain biking, next time I'm on the Peaks I'll take some hounds with me to hunt some foxes whilst on a recce for my next route; it's only natural, right?

"Blood and guts strewn around," your own words. And that is literally what happens. Unless you think a multitude of hounds descending on a fox results in any other scene than that?

The older you get, the more people you meet. I'm in my mid-thirties now. Not a single one of my family, friends, and acquaintances that I've met in those years would condone fox-hunting. I wouldn't have needed to ask them their opinions on it; it's called empathy and understanding your fellow man.
So yes, I stand by my original point: all fox-hunters are sick cunts that have sociopathic tendencies, and I'd hedge bets that any psychiatrist would agree with me.
It is not working because the police cant monitor such vast amounts of land and greenpeace etc can't go on it as it is private. So if they did catch them the fact they were on the land illegally would allow some loophole for that evidence to be discarded.

They do need culling ok, just shoot them. That is the most humane way.
If only; these cunts are all tightly wrapped with the local police. I have been known to 'sab' on occasion and there are always plenty of police on hand to disrupt what the sabs are doing. Its a fucking disgrace.
If only; these cunts are all tightly wrapped with the local police. I have been known to 'sab' on occasion and there are always plenty of police on hand to disrupt what the sabs are doing. Its a fucking disgrace.
Yeah that is annoying as hell. The law is sadly on their side i guess with tresspassing and such. One thing i know i would do if i were in power is ban all "sports" where animals have to suffer for no reason at all.
If it were up to me i'd chuck every fox hunt enjoyer in a cage with a load of big angry dogs and not feel a flicker of negative emotion as they pleaded for it to stop. Does that make me a monster? maybe, but a monster on the side of the animals. Animal cruelty laws would see people banged up for life for animal abuse as well. Breaks my heart to see animals in distress, especially distress caused by humans.

I used to love horse riding and stopping at pubs along the way. Great for social interaction, good excercise etc. Never needed to have a fox chased down and scared out of its mind then ripped to bits to make it enjoyable though. Nobody can give a reasonable reason for it to happen.

I get ratting needs to happen but its not something i would enjoy. It is a neccessity though, i get that. Still feel a bit bad for the poor rat. I used to watch videos where they would go to farms ratting and the dogs were very good at their job, just could not help feeling a bit bad for poor old Rattus Rattus.
I get ratting needs to happen but its not something i would enjoy. It is a neccessity though, i get that. Still feel a bit bad for the poor rat. I used to watch videos where they would go to farms ratting and the dogs were very good at their job, just could not help feeling a bit bad for poor old Rattus Rattus.

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