Fox Hunting.....

I've grown up with fox hunting, certainly in my younger years and now I would agree with you, that there's isn't a strong argument to support it. However, I've no time for the vermin and wouldn't hesitate to shoot one on sight.

That said, I feel there are a lot commenting, not so much against the hunting, but more to do with what they perceive as a 'class' resentment. That these people are able to do what I can't do, they've perhaps had a better education than me, or live in a bigger house, drive a better car, so I have a hate for them.

For many I don't think the fox hunting comes into it, they'd have the same view if it was drag hunting.
I know some quite poor people who go hunting and I feel exactly the same anger towards them.
I've grown up with fox hunting, certainly in my younger years and now I would agree with you, that there's isn't a strong argument to support it. However, I've no time for the vermin and wouldn't hesitate to shoot one on sight.

That said, I feel there are a lot commenting, not so much against the hunting, but more to do with what they perceive as a 'class' resentment. That these people are able to do what I can't do, they've perhaps had a better education than me, or live in a bigger house, drive a better car, so I have a hate for them.

For many I don't think the fox hunting comes into it, they'd have the same view if it was drag hunting.
You think we should hunt drag artists? You are Ru Paul and I claim my five pounds.
I know some quite poor people who go hunting and I feel exactly the same anger towards them.
Then your anger is directed towards the sport and I totally respect your view.

Some simply look at the sport with some preconceived and inaccurate notion that it's only for rich people and therefore have a hate on for those connected with it.
Then your anger is directed towards the sport and I totally respect your view.

Some simply look at the sport with some preconceived and inaccurate notion that it's only for rich people and therefore have a hate on for those connected with it.
I personally think that hurting or killing animals is disgusting..doesn't matter one iota if you are rich as fuck or poor as the proverbial church mouse.
Hunting is cruel and should be banned..
I've grown up with fox hunting, certainly in my younger years and now I would agree with you, that there's isn't a strong argument to support it. However, I've no time for the vermin and wouldn't hesitate to shoot one on sight.

That said, I feel there are a lot commenting, not so much against the hunting, but more to do with what they perceive as a 'class' resentment. That these people are able to do what I can't do, they've perhaps had a better education than me, or live in a bigger house, drive a better car, so I have a hate for them.

For many I don't think the fox hunting comes into it, they'd have the same view if it was drag hunting.
We live in a big house. My wife was privately educated and we have made our feelings clear about fox hunting. It is not a sport, it is animal cruelty
I've grown up with fox hunting, certainly in my younger years and now I would agree with you, that there's isn't a strong argument to support it. However, I've no time for the vermin and wouldn't hesitate to shoot one on sight.

That said, I feel there are a lot commenting, not so much against the hunting, but more to do with what they perceive as a 'class' resentment. That these people are able to do what I can't do, they've perhaps had a better education than me, or live in a bigger house, drive a better car, so I have a hate for them.

For many I don't think the fox hunting comes into it, they'd have the same view if it was drag hunting.
I have zero issue with landowners being allowed to manage pests. None. Such hunting here is straightforward and ubiquitous.

While I agree, it can be couched in class resentment, it really has become outdated and presents an antiquated class distinction made easy.

Grab your shotgun and fire away to protect your livestock and crops, but fancy dress, champagne breakfasts, and packs of dogs chasing a fox with Hooray Henrys following on horseback appears to be asking for it.
That said, I feel there are a lot commenting, not so much against the hunting, but more to do with what they perceive as a 'class' resentment. That these people are able to do what I can't do, they've perhaps had a better education than me, or live in a bigger house, drive a better car, so I have a hate for them.
I mean the League Against Cruel Sports was first set up by one bloke who went to Eton and Cambridge and another that went to Cambridge (in the 1800s, where they presumably didn't have diversity quotas for povvos), so let's not pretend it's only class envy that causes this. But yes, there's definitely a class element in popular culture, and that's because it's seen as another example of 'one rule for them.'

When the Cruelty to Animals Act was first introduced in 1835, dog fighting, cock fighting and bear baiting were banned (along with various general cruelties to working animals a livestock). There was no distinction made there between upper class and working class cruelty. Dog fighting was very much a working class thing, whereas cock fighting was an upper class thing. And even in the 1911 legislation, hunting was clearly seen as a completely different thing, with not much thought to the methods. Although it's worth mentioning that it did include rules about how often you had to check traps to avoid animals having a slow, painful death, so there was some idea that even hunting had to be done 'humanely'.

I think since then, and even at the time for some, people have perceived a smaller and smaller difference between the sort of baiting, fighting 'sports' of the 19th century, and a bunch of people going for a jolly day out on a horse while killing an animal. In both cases, the main aim is entertainment. People have the same issues with the shooting of effectively captive animals, where places breed animals just for people to shoot. We saw the same outrage about Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe, or similar places in South Africa, where ordinary, middle-class people are typically the people doing the killing (Cecil the lion was killed by a dentist, not a duke). Or bullfighting in Spain, which seems to be popular among the masses.

To the extent to which it became a class issue, you have to ask yourself how much of the blame falls on the House of Lords. This is a house that is massively overrepresented with members of the aristocracy and upper classes, who repeatedly refused to pass the will of the democratically elected house. You can't help but think had the legislation been about any form of animal cruelty other than the one that happens to be enjoyed by many upper class people, it would have got through at first reading.

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