Fox Hunting.....

Eating them is a different matter, just for killings sake isn't.
I agree with you, I would never shoot anything that I wasn’t going to eat, other than the Raccoon that finished off my hens, that fucker is on my ‘to die’ list
I personally think that hurting or killing animals is disgusting..doesn't matter one iota if you are rich as fuck or poor as the proverbial church mouse.
Hunting is cruel and should be banned..
Hunting for 'sport ' or fun is vile and disgusting, however hunting for food and to survive is a different matter.....
If you kill animals for sport you're probably a ****.

If you kill animals because they invade your life without endangering you, you're a ****.

It's not a class thing it's a **** thing.
A bunch of red coated dickhead wankers, I'd really like to set the dogs on them. See how they like it.
I've grown up with fox hunting, certainly in my younger years and now I would agree with you, that there's isn't a strong argument to support it. However, I've no time for the vermin and wouldn't hesitate to shoot one on sight.

That said, I feel there are a lot commenting, not so much against the hunting, but more to do with what they perceive as a 'class' resentment. That these people are able to do what I can't do, they've perhaps had a better education than me, or live in a bigger house, drive a better car, so I have a hate for them.

For many I don't think the fox hunting comes into it, they'd have the same view if it was drag hunting.

No class aspect to it at all from me, I retired comfortably in my 40s and have no need to resent anyone for wealth reasons. I resent fox hunters purely because it’s barbaric and cruel. How would you feel being chased across the fields by twenty blokes who then proceeded to cut your stomach open once they caught you?

Why inflict that on a poor animal, hugely outnumbered by fucking dogs? Sat there on horses loving the bloodshed? Fucking sick cowardly cunts.

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