Fox Hunting.....

Indeed. One has to wonder how life managed to evolve so successfully on Earth for so many millions of years before humans came along to kill everything.
Humans aren't killing everything though, are they?

Have they been irresponsible at times, of course they have, but the world is different now and we are more aware and have more concern for conservation.

You're reading your own blinkered agenda into it.

As I've said, I have no support for hunting on horseback, but do for wildlife management.
it amazes me, foxes kill my chickens, well don't put chickens in harms way , humans move into the foxes habitat ,then keep chickens, what do they expect, fox hunting with dogs is fucking disgusting , i have no problem keeping the fox population under control but not by "sport"
I am off out to put a chicken in harms way. :)

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