Foxhunters - a protected ethnic minority?

My mates dad’s a farmer and years ago we were on his farm and we could hear a fox hunt approaching, so we went out towards the road where they were crossing.
One of the murdering cunts stopped on his horse and asked my mates dad ‘if he’d seen a fox come past’
My mates dad replied ‘no but even if I had I certainly wouldn’t tell you’
Quite appalled by this the **** said ‘you’re a farmer you must understand the problems foxes cause’
My mates dad response summed the situation up perfectly ‘if I have a problem with foxes then I’ll either trap them or shoot them, I certainly wouldn’t chase it for miles with a blood hungry pack of dogs with the foxes heart pumping out of it’s chest as it runs for it’s life, only to be ripped to pieces by your dogs, now fuck off you absolute ****’
They never stopped again : )
Certainly shouldn’t be tolerated in this day and age.
It’s barbaric.
Your mate's dad should have dragged the evil prick off his horse and buried him.
Wonder if racists or nonces can also claim they’re an ethnic minority? Bellends
Apparently nonces in the states have tried to get LGBT like protection a few times, and each time it rightfully gets shot down.
Think NAMBLA were the group most prominent for it.
Its all a show...its why they put a jibbing terrier ( usually a russell) to earth if the fox runs to ground within minutes of a hunt starting...theyll jib it till its spent...if it was about conservation/ culling the young lamb killer they could put a closing terrier on it first earth job done.

hunt run a vixen into my pals land with 30 pairs of hounds in close pursuit, when he come out the pack was backed up screaming and a gap emerged for him to clock the dead vixen at the feet of his two kerrys..trouble was the kerrys were standing on for the carcass...the pack and the horse brigade screaming...non of the hunt humans or hounds had the bottle to retrieve it...

Fox's do go serial killer and go young lamb mad...they need culling..fastest way, not torturing by jibbing it out of five earths..nothing wrong with a fox near young lambs that doesnt mither cause its sorted its own corner.
Where my daughter lives in deepest Cheshire, they have these vile hunts a few times a year. I see them all lardy fuckin dah waving to each other, the fucked up chinless wonders. I just steam through bibbing my horn and giving the bastards the Vs. Horrible set of entitled cunts.
We have got the bastards round here. The Beaufort hunt and the Avonvale hunt self entitled arrogant cunts who have zero respect for peoples property. Saw Camilla one year riding past so turned the radio up full put all my arbs and hazard lights on that was in Chavenage in Gloucestershire then a few weeks later we had a job to supply phone lines to her house luckily she was out else I could have ended up in the tower :-)

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