The football world already knows.
Absolutely everybody hates Liverpool from Turin to Thurso!
It’s just that the media will never, ever, highlight it or any of their misdemeours. Everything negative to do with that club is swept under the carpet. Even the mods on this forum do it when the Liverpool thread gets a bit heated, there have been instances where City fans’ posts get deleted or thread locked/banned if we say some home truths that might upset the Gobshites.
It must run deeper than them just being a big club and getting positivity on a daily basis by the media. I think there’s some dodgy underworld hold Liverpool have got over the media in this country. The fucking sickening and completely lob sided coverage that club and fanbase gets is a joke. As is the censoring of anything negative about them.
Nobody likes them, and I do mean nobody! Everybody knows them for what they are from boardroom to playing/coaching staff to their fans. Yet the media portray them as if they’re special.
Everyone is scared to death of telling the truth about that club and it’s fans and I have no idea why!