Fred Eyre on 5Live

For what it's worth, I like Fred Eyre and his dry punditry. It's no secret that he's a Blue and loves us to bits.

He does come across as a perfect cocktail of Eeyore, Alf Bradshaw and a Manc Steven Wright.
He's the only commentator that can make me feel depressed even when we win. A 'glass half full' merchant. e.g. when commentating on Richards goal he said that Richards had scuffed it and it wasnt even a shot. On Sky that night they were playing it over and over as a candidate for goal of the month.
THAT is the kind of thing i mean. I hate having to listen to him when the radio is the last resort.
Don't know if anyone is listening to 5Live now, but surprisingly all they can concentrate on is every City fan supposedly wanting Mancini out all season, and Balotelli. What a joke.
robsta said:
Fred is a top guy and a blue through and through. I didn't hear him today but he is usually spot on with what he says. He's not anti City at all. He loves the club and is just like us he wants the best for us. If he sees a player not quite doing it, then he will say so, just like us.
If he said "our friends united" then I'm sure it was tongue in cheek but remember he is also from a generation when players from both clubs mixed socially. No one slags Mike Summerbee off for standing next to George Best.

I know Fred, he was a mate of my Dad's before my Dad passed away. I hate to see other Blues slag him off. If any of you met him you would understand what a top guy he is.
Spot on, he is City through and through, knows more people in the game and more about the game than the whole of this forum put together. Pity some on here know f**k all about our history or heritage and dont know how highly he is regarded both within the club and football as a hole.
prefer his dry sense of humour to a lot of pundits.He tells it as it is.If you have ever been to a 'do' which Fred compares,you wont be disappointed.He's a blue through and through,wants the best for City like we all do.He was right today when he said Cruz and Jo are not the answer.
prefer his dry sense of humour to a lot of pundits.He tells it as it is.If you have ever been to a 'do' which Fred compares,you wont be disappointed.He's a blue through and through,wants the best for City like we all do.He was right today when he said Cruz and Jo are not the answer.

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