whilst I do feel for the Tunisian people who are going to suffer tremendously as a result of the economic hardship these events will bring I have to say part of the answer is in their own hands. If the were to condemn the people doing this and to tell the authorities about people and places where radicalization is taking place they would be showing that this is indeed " not in their name"
At the same time the irony is not lost on me of the million marchers in London and more around the uk who all told Blair " not in my name" and that made fuck all difference - in a supposed democracy.
I also accept that there is a time line that inexorably links those two events.
a small minority of the population marched
the vast and overwhelming majority of us did not of course
it now seems that 30 innocent Brits have been murdered in cold blood for the sin of going on holiday by some horrible warped murdering IS jihadist scumbags
sadly we can't kill enough of these IS cockroaches quickly enough