From the other side...

We lack that creative spark - like Modric, Arteta, Fabregas - when teams are well organised and are only interested in the odd counter attack or set piece.
Infact it's that bad that Tevez is both our main goal threat and creative spark. He literally has to create most of his chances for himself. We'll just have to soldier on and try and grab that fourth spot regardless.
If we had one of the above players in the front of our midfield, setting up Tevez and Adebayor, there's no doubt in my mind that we'd have 4th practically sewn up already. Those GOD DAMN DRAWS!!! argh!
bluwes said:
Blue Punter said:
Thanks for your kind words. I thought we played ok tonight. Not brilliant, but certainly not our worse performance this season.

We started off really well, but never scored when we was on top.

Thought Heitinga, Jagielka & Distin were awesome. Won every header. We really could have done with Ade tonight.

Good luck for the rest of the season.

Against Tevez and Bellemy

Won headers at free kicks/corners too. Some of which Bellamy took. As I said earlier, we really could have done with Ade tonight...
Blue Punter said:
bluwes said:
Against Tevez and Bellemy

Won headers at free kicks/corners too. Some of which Bellamy took. As I said earlier, we really could have done with Ade tonight...

Central defenders are expected to win headers at corners and free kicks,..................... whoops ours don't
bluwes said:
Blue Punter said:
Won headers at free kicks/corners too. Some of which Bellamy took. As I said earlier, we really could have done with Ade tonight...

Central defenders are expected to win headers at corners and free kicks,..................... whoops ours don't

You are aware that set pieces are the largest contributor of goals?
Didsbury Dave said:
Gwladiator said:
Although I thought Moyes set us up very well you lot played brilliantly tonight and on reflection I couldn't have complained if we lost. The only thing you lot were missing was a proper striker, that little bit of extra quality in the box tonight and you would have won easily. Someone like Adebayor back and keep playing like that and you lot will be top 4 no problem.

Fair play to you for a fair and sensible, non gloating viewpoint.

You're a good side and you defended well. The game hinged on your first goal but you did well to frustrate us after that.

A good game of football , if a hugely disappointing one for us

Agree totally. On another night with a some more direction in front of goal we would of easily won. Shay was hardly tested apart from the goals. The unfortunate thing for us is that Cahil seems to score that same goal everytime we play you...but we never learn.
Halfpenny said:
Gwladiator said:
Although I thought Moyes set us up very well you lot played brilliantly tonight and on reflection I couldn't have complained if we lost. The only thing you lot were missing was a proper striker, that little bit of extra quality in the box tonight and you would have won easily. Someone like Adebayor back and keep playing like that and you lot will be top 4 no problem.
In complete agreement with you here, playing with two short strikers up top against teams like Everton who (without offence intended) like to play it long is a bit short sighted. Santa Cruz coming on meant we started challenging. However, Toure is an absolute donkey and makes Kompany, our usually very assured centre back, look nervous. If the referee hadn't been so inept, if RSC had started and if we had Lescott playing then I think we might've won.

Erm, unless i'm missing something here your post doesn't make sense.

How does Everton playing it long (which they don't) have any bearing on the height of your strikers?

What a strange comment.
I'm not normally over-critical of the team but I really thought we were poor tonight. Yes Everton played well, as I expected them to, but apart from Tevez did any City player actually control the ball with their first touch, it was more like pinball at times. RSC tried what I think was meant to be a cushioned chest trap at one point and the ball rebounded 20 yards away - not that he was alone, SWP seems to need 4 touches just to stop the ball spinning nowadays. All in all a disappointingly lifeless performance, we really need to step it up on Monday night.
C1TY4LIFE said:
in all fairness its hard to create chances with 3 vs 10

Good sides will always find a way and our first touch with the back to goal and lay off to space was poor , it was slow and too predictable.

Crosses were slow , high and food for drink for Everton especially in the second half.

In short the players were really off the boil.

Too much space in midfield for Everton in the main who were methodical but didn't have to do alot.

I wasn't really impressed with Everton , I thought we were way off the mark and our ball control especially in attack was as bad as I have seen it this season.

Hopefully just an off night and would like to think unlike tonight we will create at least 10 good chances against Wigan ans slot few home without reply.
Your fans got right behind your team and that definitely made a difference. I Haven’t seen Mancini as frustrated since he came here, at one time lashing out at the ball himself in response to a poor Santa Cruz effort, not to mention the Moyes incident. It appeared to me that Everton pulled off their pre-conceived Game plan, keep possession-accurate passing-hassle the opposition-Disrupt the game-unsettle the crowd,. plus a little help from a few dodgy Peter Walton decisions, which got him booed off at half time. The Everton players successfully acted out their Managers game plan on the night. Our players, to a man didn’t turn up for Mancini, with the possible exception of Johnson in short spells of the first half. It was a frustrating evening. Had 0-0 written all over it. On the night Your team capitalised on scant chances, ours didn’t. Time to move on.

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