FSA AGM - reportedly a fans' motion supportive of APT rules proposed

The more sponsor money that comes in, then that in an ideal world would be contribution to help keep ticket prices down….
My guess is that it's nothing to do with the people we deal with at SOS and everything to do with Ian Byrne who, as a sitting MP and a member of Spirit Of Shankly, made some utterly disgraceful and ill-informed comments about City in the wake of the news about our action against the PL being made public. What the stupid **** fails to understand is that City are actually on his side regarding an Independent Regulator, whereas his beloved Liverpool FC aren't!
Byrne was one of the 7 who voted against the government over the 2 child cap and had the whip suspended. He's one of worst bandwagon-jumping gobshites where LFC are concerned and it was disappointing to see the City Foodbank guys praising and cosying up to him at Westminster a couple of weeks ago.

Respect for what they do but they need to pick their friends more carefully.
Byrne was one of the 7 who voted against the government over the 2 child cap and had the whip suspended. He's one of worst bandwagon-jumping gobshites where LFC are concerned and it was disappointing to see the City Foodbank guys praising and cosying up to him at Westminster a couple of weeks ago.

Respect for what they do but they need to pick their friends more carefully.
Yeah, he's a busy ****.
I've just had it confirmed that nobody from 1894 was present at the FSA conference, and that 1894 weren't in any way involved in the APT motion. I'm sure no other City supporter group was involved either. As I said in an earlier post, 1894 were working solely on the final motion regarding co-ordinated action on the cost of football tickets. As we couldn't get anybody down there, a couple of our lads were being kept abreast of how that one was going.
Always interesting to hear Spirit of Shanklys views.

Google also shows the SOS group has a history of making making hateful comments about City for so-called “financial doping.” This sort of thing totally undermines the FSA. They don’t represent me as a fan. Perhaps the 1894 group should rethink its involvement with them. I back our club 100 per cent as they defend us from a political witch-hunt.
I've just had it confirmed that nobody from 1894 was present at the FSA conference, and that 1894 weren't in any way involved in the APT motion. I'm sure no other City supporter group was involved either. As I said in an earlier post, 1894 were working solely on the final motion regarding co-ordinated action on the cost of football tickets. As we couldn't get anybody down there, a couple of our lads were being kept abreast of how that one was going.

Will there be an 1894 statement to clarify the position?
Always interesting to hear Spirit of Shanklys views.

You beat me to it.
I noted in the minutes of last year's FSA AGM, this motion was put forward and supported by the SOS

Proposed by: Tim Payton, Arsenal Supporters' Trust
Seconded by: Manchester United Supporters' Trust, Tottenham Hotspur
Supporters' Trust, Spirit of Shankly, Chelsea Supporters' Trust and Leeds United Supporters' Trust

Motion: Continued action to address abuse at football and eradicate tragedy chanting

The AGM Notes:
The huge progress made in recent years to make football more welcoming to all
and the improved experience many report attending matches. But also notes
that there sadly remain issues with hate and abuse directed at people in the
football community.

This includes on-line abuse directed at players and others in the game including
referees, club officials and other supporters. There is also the spectre of tragedy chanting which causes distress to many fans. That supporters have been increasingly involved in the campaigns to address these issues such as the work by Joe Blott of Spirit of Shankly on the All-Football Tragedy Chanting workgroup and Akhil Vyas of the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust on co-ordinating messaging encouraging fans to report on-line abuse.
Not sure yet mate as we’re looking into it. None of us were aware of the motion regarding the APT rules until this thread was started last night. 1894 did tweet this last month though:

‘Utterly terrifying’ ffs.

Might want to save such comments for his own club…

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