FSA AGM - reportedly a fans' motion supportive of APT rules proposed

Anyone know any Blues or relatives in West Derby?

Thank you for contacting the office of Ian Byrne Member of Parliment for Liverpool West Derby.

Due to strict parliamentry protocol I can only act and take up casework on behalf of Liverpool West Derby constituents. Please ensure that you have included your name, address, postcode and conatct details in your email.
We've very publically called out Byrne as evidenced on this page mate. It's more complex than saying we should rethink our involvement with them. The people we deal with at SOS are fine but there are clearly others - Byrne in particular - who don't get that when fan groups work together on issues, they should put club rivalries to one side. Some of the SOS lot had a meeting with LFC about ticket prices towards the end of last season as they were emboldened by 1894's protest banner regarding our own ST price increases. The bloke from LFC that they met up with said "Why are you bothering to protest against us about ticket prices - why don't you do some banners aimed at MCFC and the 115 charges instead?". The SOS lads present politely told him to get fucked, that that is a club issue, and that they have a decent relationship with 1894 when campaigning on various issues that affect the fans. The wanker at LFC couldn't comprehend that fan groups from rival clubs actually work together on things.
The SOS chair, Joe Blott, is an absolute gent who I've had the pleasure of meeting and having a good chat with. I even know some of the MUST guys, including their chair and the late, sadly lamented Iain Sterling.

Aside from the different colours of shirt we support, there is so much that unites us as committed fans, and that we have common cause with. Those things - ticket prices, the criminalisation of fans, the dominance of the TV companies, bad owners rather than good ones, etc - are what we should be focusing on.

But if we're going to be bitchy I'd also say it's a little hypocritical for a representative group of LFC fans proposing a motion asking for 'competitive balance' (whatever that is) when their club has been in the forefront of efforts to 'balance' things in their favour over the last half-century, and has had unrestricted and life-changing financial support from their founder and Littlewoods prior to that.
Email just sent to Ian Byrne MP.
Arse licked him in the first section and then went for the jugular lol

Dear Ian
Congratulations on being re-elected and also on Labour's victory at the election two weeks ago.

It has been brought to my attention that you recently made the following comments regarding Manchester City and their supporters. I agree 100% with everything written (reproduced below).

"Shame on the club, shame on the clubs who are supporting them and not seeing the bigger picture. I am amazed there are Manchester City fans who are not seeing the real issue, talking as though their club are being attacked. Come on, let's look at the bigger picture.
"If Liverpool's owners were acting like this I'd be the first to call them out, the Spirit of Shankly would and I am sure every single fan who has got the love of the game in their heart, sees past that and looks at it in a holistic way."

Given your comments above, can I ask if either yourself or The Spirit of Shankly have ever called Liverpool FC out with regards to their shirt sponsorship with Standard Chartered?
In case you are unaware, I have copied below for your convenience, a sample of examples where Standard Chartered have been fined multiple millions of pounds for various charges ranging from money laundering for terrorist organisation's, through to ignoring boycotts from trading with certain countries and regimes

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) has been fined for a number of reasons, including sanctions violations, anti-money laundering (AML) deficiencies, and reporting lapses:

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely
Mad Eyed Screamer
He won't reply as you're not one of his constituents, he's just a free loading Scouse wanker, woulda't piss on him if he was on fire.

Edit, just seen you're not getting a reply, stock answer. Now, if you want something raising with Angela Rayner I'm in a position to do that, I've already sent her a complaint about selling a vehicle on the 1st June with the DVLA taking a months tax off me and charging the new owner for the month as well, told them they were "fucking charlatans of the highest order". Not expecting a positive response.
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We've very publically called out Byrne as evidenced on this page mate. It's more complex than saying we should rethink our involvement with them. The people we deal with at SOS are fine but there are clearly others - Byrne in particular - who don't get that when fan groups work together on issues, they should put club rivalries to one side. Some of the SOS lot had a meeting with LFC about ticket prices towards the end of last season as they were emboldened by 1894's protest banner regarding our own ST price increases. The bloke from LFC that they met up with said "Why are you bothering to protest against us about ticket prices - why don't you do some banners aimed at MCFC and the 115 charges instead?". The SOS lads present politely told him to get fucked, that that is a club issue, and that they have a decent relationship with 1894 when campaigning on various issues that affect the fans. The wanker at LFC couldn't comprehend that fan groups from rival clubs actually work together on things.
Thanks for this excellent response. It is helpful to understand some of the internal politics at play. It is depressing to see such a level of ignorance in rival fan groups even though it is not a surprise.
Anyone know any Blues in West Derby?

Thank you for contacting the office of Ian Byrne Member of Parliment for Liverpool West Derby.

Due to strict parliamentry protocol I can only act and take up casework on behalf of Liverpool West Derby constituents. Please ensure that you have included your name, address, postcode and conatct details in your email.

I don’t believe you were asking him to take on case work just his opinion, but if he only discusses issues n his area he should fucking button it about City.
The SOS chair, Joe Blott, is an absolute gent who I've had the pleasure of meeting and having a good chat with. I even know some of the MUST guys, including their chair and the late, sadly lamented Iain Sterling.

Aside from the different colours of shirt we support, there is so much that unites us as committed fans, and that we have common cause with. Those things - ticket prices, the criminalisation of fans, the dominance of the TV companies, bad owners rather than good ones, etc - are what we should be focusing on.

But if we're going to be bitchy I'd also say it's a little hypocritical for a representative group of LFC fans proposing a motion asking for 'competitive balance' (whatever that is) when their club has been in the forefront of efforts to 'balance' things in their favour over the last half-century, and has had unrestricted and life-changing financial support from their founder and Littlewoods prior to that.
When I went to FSF (as it was then) meetings with the IMUSA bods (are they still active?) we agreed that if football fans realised that we have everything in common and that the real "enemy" was the Football authorities we would.achieve much more together.
The Football authorities love that we fans spend more time on parochial squabbling with each other than uniting and taking the fight to where it should be taken
We've very publically called out Byrne as evidenced on this page mate. It's more complex than saying we should rethink our involvement with them. The people we deal with at SOS are fine but there are clearly others - Byrne in particular - who don't get that when fan groups work together on issues, they should put club rivalries to one side. Some of the SOS lot had a meeting with LFC about ticket prices towards the end of last season as they were emboldened by 1894's protest banner regarding our own ST price increases. The bloke from LFC that they met up with said "Why are you bothering to protest against us about ticket prices - why don't you do some banners aimed at MCFC and the 115 charges instead?". The SOS lads present politely told him to get fucked, that that is a club issue, and that they have a decent relationship with 1894 when campaigning on various issues that affect the fans. The wanker at LFC couldn't comprehend that fan groups from rival clubs actually work together on things.
Which is the way most (all?) clubs would like it, divide to conquer. Fans coming together gives them the willy's.

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