FSA AGM - reportedly a fans' motion supportive of APT rules proposed

Google also shows the SOS group has a history of making making hateful comments about City for so-called “financial doping.” This sort of thing totally undermines the FSA. They don’t represent me as a fan. Perhaps the 1894 group should rethink its involvement with them. I back our club 100 per cent as they defend us from a political witch-hunt.
We've very publically called out Byrne as evidenced on this page mate. It's more complex than saying we should rethink our involvement with them. The people we deal with at SOS are fine but there are clearly others - Byrne in particular - who don't get that when fan groups work together on issues, they should put club rivalries to one side. Some of the SOS lot had a meeting with LFC about ticket prices towards the end of last season as they were emboldened by 1894's protest banner regarding our own ST price increases. The bloke from LFC that they met up with said "Why are you bothering to protest against us about ticket prices - why don't you do some banners aimed at MCFC and the 115 charges instead?". The SOS lads present politely told him to get fucked, that that is a club issue, and that they have a decent relationship with 1894 when campaigning on various issues that affect the fans. The wanker at LFC couldn't comprehend that fan groups from rival clubs actually work together on things.
Not sure yet mate as we’re looking into it. None of us were aware of the motion regarding the APT rules until this thread was started last night. 1894 did tweet this last month though:

I'm going to email the twat right now and ask him about the shame of LFC and their continued sponsorship deal with Standard Chartered after reading this bit below.

"Shame on the club, shame on the clubs who are supporting them and not seeing the bigger picture. I am amazed there are Manchester City fans who are not seeing the real issue, talking as though their club are being attacked. Come on, let's look at the bigger picture.

"If Liverpool's owners were acting like this I'd be the first to call them out, the Spirit of Shankly would and I am sure every single fan who has got the love of the game in their heart, sees past that and looks at it in a holistic way.
You beat me to it.
I noted in the minutes of last year's FSA AGM, this motion was put forward and supported by the SOS

Proposed by: Tim Payton, Arsenal Supporters' Trust
Seconded by: Manchester United Supporters' Trust, Tottenham Hotspur
Supporters' Trust, Spirit of Shankly, Chelsea Supporters' Trust and Leeds United Supporters' Trust

Motion: Continued action to address abuse at football and eradicate tragedy chanting

The AGM Notes:
The huge progress made in recent years to make football more welcoming to all
and the improved experience many report attending matches. But also notes
that there sadly remain issues with hate and abuse directed at people in the
football community.

This includes on-line abuse directed at players and others in the game including
referees, club officials and other supporters. There is also the spectre of tragedy chanting which causes distress to many fans. That supporters have been increasingly involved in the campaigns to address these issues such as the work by Joe Blott of Spirit of Shankly on the All-Football Tragedy Chanting workgroup and Akhil Vyas of the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust on co-ordinating messaging encouraging fans to report on-line abuse.

They want to stop tragedy chanting yet couldn’t stop anyone getting on stage & singing Munich. Despite the protests they had no idea who he was, no one tried to intervene, turn the mic down or dim the lights.

Cheeky cunts!
Tribal Shocker! Fans of other clubs sick of not winning stuff find common ground (for now) !

1. City aren't against APT, just how it's used and applied.
2. City are self sustaining

We passed CAS appraisal of our deals and every deal is looked at for fair value by PL, but keep on saying stuff often enough and it will be taken as read.
Email just sent to Ian Byrne MP.
Arse licked him in the first section and then went for the jugular lol

Dear Ian
Congratulations on being re-elected and also on Labour's victory at the election two weeks ago.

It has been brought to my attention that you recently made the following comments regarding Manchester City and their supporters. I agree 100% with everything written (reproduced below).

"Shame on the club, shame on the clubs who are supporting them and not seeing the bigger picture. I am amazed there are Manchester City fans who are not seeing the real issue, talking as though their club are being attacked. Come on, let's look at the bigger picture.
"If Liverpool's owners were acting like this I'd be the first to call them out, the Spirit of Shankly would and I am sure every single fan who has got the love of the game in their heart, sees past that and looks at it in a holistic way."

Given your comments above, can I ask if either yourself or The Spirit of Shankly have ever called Liverpool FC out with regards to their shirt sponsorship with Standard Chartered?
In case you are unaware, I have copied below for your convenience, a sample of examples where Standard Chartered have been fined multiple millions of pounds for various charges ranging from money laundering for terrorist organisation's, through to ignoring boycotts from trading with certain countries and regimes

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) has been fined for a number of reasons, including sanctions violations, anti-money laundering (AML) deficiencies, and reporting lapses:

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely
Mad Eyed Screamer
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Email just sent to Ian Byrne MP.
Arse licked him in the first section and then went for the jugular lol

Dear Ian
Congratulations on being re-elected and also on Labour's victory at the election two weeks ago.

It has been brought to my attention that you recently made the following comments regarding Manchester City and their supporters. I agree 100% with everything written (reproduced below).

"Shame on the club, shame on the clubs who are supporting them and not seeing the bigger picture. I am amazed there are Manchester City fans who are not seeing the real issue, talking as though their club are being attacked. Come on, let's look at the bigger picture.
"If Liverpool's owners were acting like this I'd be the first to call them out, the Spirit of Shankly would and I am sure every single fan who has got the love of the game in their heart, sees past that and looks at it in a holistic way."

Given your comments above, can I ask if either yourself or The Spirit of Shankly have ever called Liverpool FC out with regards to their shirt sponsorship with Standard Chartered?
In case you are unaware, I have copied below for your convenience, a sample of examples where Standard Chartered have been fined multiple millions of pounds for various charges ranging from money laundering for terrorist organisation's, through to ignoring boycotts from trading with certain countries and regimes

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) has been fined for a number of reasons, including sanctions violations, anti-money laundering (AML) deficiencies, and reporting lapses:

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely
Mad Eyed Screamer
Good work mate. However, why have you told him that you agree with "everything written (reproduced below)"? That includes his withering assault on the club and our fans! Or have I misread it?
Good work mate. However, why have you told him that you agree with "everything written (reproduced below)"? That includes his withering assault on the club and our fans! Or have I misread it?
Because if I disagreed with him, he would reply arguing against that point rather than answering specifically.about Liverpool FC.
I want him.to only be able.to answer the question about whether he or SOS have ever called Liverpool out and I used his comments about City and our fan base to flush the fucker out.
I'm saying to him "you are so right. So now, do you apply the same judgement and values to this case?" And if not, why not?
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