Skashion said:
machiavellian said:
As for the 'good old days' Skash, if the club continue to further sink into the mindset of seeing fans as cash-cows then it won't be long before the genuine 'good old days' are unattainable for a lot of blues who attended during the 'good old days' as mockingly put it.
But of course it's much easier to deride anyone who hold concerns about the club's new initiatives and apparent change in approach to the match going fans.
Yup, I certainly deride anyone who spent untold hundreds and thousands up and down the country following the blues to every way lecturing others that loyalty points are all about the money now. THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. Following a football club home and away has been expensive for some time now. It's not some newly emerged phenomenon since 2008. Those who've got severe financial burdens to face have always been excluded.
That's partly true, but the loyalty point system has always been the club's way of separating the most 'loyal' fans from the fair-weathers in order to allocate the tickets to the most deserving fans for the correct matches.
Which is why it's wrong to undermine the whole system with such examples as individual games earning ten times as many points as they would under normal circumstances, and the pretty shameless alterations to the seaconcard holder's points in the summer.
That is when the loyalty point system became about money. And that is why its days are numbered.
And this is symptomatic of initiatives the club are introducing which revolve around money, at our expense, and are not particularly subtle in that fact.
Which, believe it or not, concerns many match going blues.
I've just received a pm with regards to this thread from another poster, who feels uncomfortable posting about his circumstances in this thread publicly, because, I imagine, of the potential reaction of some of the more vocal apologists among the forum's loud mouth contingent.
You won't get any joy out of this lot mate. They're too busy taking trying to be funny and slagging other blues off to see what's happening here.
I didn't join the CL cup scheme for financial reasons- baby on the way, made redundant a while ago, and trying to start my own business. Had a s/t for 25 years but don't even get a chance to get my regular seat for the CL, they automatically allocate it to a scheme member apparently. By the way, I haven't missed a home cup game for donkeys years, I just cannot allow the club to have access to my account.
The club now think none of those 25 years matter as I can't give them free access to my bank account. It stinks as far as I'm concerned.
Pretty sad when someone is made to feel a lesser blue, or is labelled a 'moaner', X Y Z, because he voices his discontent towards something which has a negative impact on his attendance to games.