
Pam said:
Why are they starting to bring this up the whole time. It's almost as if they think the title's ours. The lights are going out all over Trafford and our Mancini's tanks are on their lawn.

-- Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:57 pm --

lloydie said:
Pam said:
I hope they know that we don't give a stuff about how many titles they have won. It's history now and so are the days of their dominance. Second best in their own City must be so hard to take, though, so bless.


I expect better but from you of all people Pam, tut tut.

Greater Manchester, I meant.

OK this once but I'll be watching ;)
The penny has dropped with most of them now. I'm not saying it's true and I'm not saying they're right to think it, but I think most of them believe we are now three and a half months away from Lickle Ciddy winning the title.

Ask us what its like to be City now, rag twats. It's bloody brilliant is your answer.
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
Not if you class current and future success as being succesful.

No, I don't class "what we might win" in the same bracket of "what we have won". This is a very strange definition of successful. One that actually doesn't mean successful but instead means "has potential".

Potential is nothing, I'd rather have success
In the process of "becoming more successful", surely one can enjoy "being better and more successful".

She is merely stating that she will never tire of being more sucessful. She assumes will win more than them during each year/5 years/10 years during which, in each time period, we will have been more successful.

Exactly. Although she is a he ;)

Have to get this username changed!!
jonmcfc said:
Before they get into it just say what i say "Yeah yeah i know 19 titles,oh sorry what did you want to say" stuffs there whole conversation up or lack of.
Re: Your location. Do you die this year?

Fair enough let them do the "19" thing.

I could not begin to count how much shit utd give liverpool for living on "istreh".
So in that case i would stamp "RAWKITE" or similar in red letters on his forhead.

To me it is more tangible evidence they do not sleep well at night all because of us, and i love it.
The best answer you can give on any situation to any supporter is to say it's ok with a bit of luck we are going to buy the title and as many cups as possible even if it costs 2 billion. It takes them a while to respond as they are a bit gobsmacked as they don't expect it. Then you can just just walk away whistleing "blue moon" I've found that if you do the walk away a bit campish it adds to the affect or better still a little childish skip.
mancanproud said:
Pigeonho said:
By 'fuming' about it, you've let the little bell end win. That is what my rag mates throw at me everytime. Was having a slagging match with one last night. When he said that I asked him if those admittedly impressive 19 titles helped his team when Dzeko spunked in the 6th, when we beat them in the semi last year and in May when we collect the trophy off them. No reply to that at all, deadly silence.

Get used to it though too, as that 'no history' and '19' tag will be thrown at every piece of silverware we win. Fact.
couldnt give a rats arse if they have won it for the last 50 yrs on the trot, if we win this year we are reigning champs, fuk history....my wife used to be 18 she sure as hell aint anymore

This, lol!! I can't remember that far back to when my wife was 18!!!!!!!!!!! however I can remember back to 1957 when I first watch City
Do your best to ignore them, mate. Where I work is crawling with delusional glory-hunters. They talk among themselves as a means of "group therapy" desperately looking for comfort and reassurance but they know exactly what's coming. The future is scaring the shit out of them cos they know it's Blue.

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