Funniest remark heard at City game?

By pure coincidence I'd watched jimmy grumble the night before a game. Garrido was making a run down the left and wide open the guy behind me was shouting 'pass it to garrido pass it to garrido' when a guy 2 rows in front shouts 'pass it to bloody Gordon'
Not sure of the exact game , but a couple of seasons ago after another frustratingly average performance by City , overheard the following conversation between 2 veteran City fans over the piss stones after the game

Old man 1- That's it , I've had enough , never coming to watch this shite again , f---ing shit

Old man 2 - Don't blame you , absolute crap , probably do the same myself , shit , typical City

Minute's silence as they finish off their business , big sigh , fasten zips , then

Old man 1 - Right , i'm off then

Old man 2- Okay mate , see you next week

Old man 1 - Yeah , definitely , say hello to Joan for me

Old man 2 - Will do , see ya

Only at City !!!!! Classic
Came back from a match lauding Pablo and sang "do do do Pablo Zabaleta"

My 5 year old daughter copied but it came out "do do do Pablo's got a letter"!!
allan harper said:
Not at a game but my 6 year old daughter learnt this at the Stoke game.

The other day we was visiting my parents for a family Sunday Roast, while we are all sat round eating our meal my dad asked my 6 year old daughter what she was doing later. She replied that she was going to visit her other grandparents and play their piano. So my dad said ( knowing they supported Liverpool ) " play we are the champions on the piano, they'll like that" my daughter turned round and said " no, I'm going to play, you've had your day out now fuck off home!" She even pointed with her finger when she said "home"!

It's pretty difficult not to cry in tears of laughter and tell her that its wrong it say that at the same time.

To All ,

What a great start to the day , keep these posts coming , tears in my eyes .
Was at the Norwich game when Delia gave her pissed up half time speech only for the city chants of "there's only one Jamie Oliver!"
May 1998, City were leading against QPR 2-1 and we seemed like we'd close the game out. It'd been a nice afternoon weather wise and I'd gone to the game in just my City shirt.
Cue Jamie Pollock, a ridiculous own goal and QPR got themselves out of jail. Our destiny was no longer in our hands and we all knew we faced a tricky trip down to Stoke the following week.

Coming out of the ground I headed up towards Rusholme to catch the bus to Withington and what I can only describe as apocalyptic rain ensued! Feeling glum and dejected I can just remember this bloke stood there getting piss wet through shouting at the top of his voice:


About summed up the afternoon for me but brought a smile to my face nevertheless!
Fulham at home when Hughes was managing them and we drew 1-1, Dempsey did something to aggravate our fans in some way, don't remember what. Anyway, a guy a couple of rows behind stands up and shouts at the top of his voice 'FUCK OFF DEMPSEY! WHAT KIND OF NAME IS CLINT?!'

I think it was that same season and we were playing in the Europa League possibly again Juve. The crowd spots that Jo has finished his warm up and is stripping off into his kit so a guy somewhere in the stand simply sang to the tune of James' 'Sit Down' "Jo sit down, Jo sit down'. Brought a few sniggers.
Sibrady said:
Last season, can't remember which game as it seems to happen to me quite a lot. Last few minutes of this particular game and I turn and say to the lads behind me, and my brother, "I'm happy just keeping the ball now", (I'd had city to win 3-0 I think and due to win just short of £100). Just had I'd said it, turned around and aguero was just passing the ball into an empty net!! Queue all the guys celebrating the goal like it was the most important goal ever, me just standing there feeling like I'd been violated!!!

Lol, this has happened a couple of times in 117.

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