Funny Film Quotes


Well-Known Member
9 Jun 2009
In the King's Head, waiting for the Queen's legs t
'I always knew that **** would fuck some ****' - Francis Begbie, Trainspotting.

'Critical Bill man what the fuck are you doin?'
'Workin out', says bill, whilst sparring with a hung-up corpse. Things to do in Denver when you're dead.

'Are you a peanut popper? Do you suck dicks? Bull shit I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose - Gunnery Sergeant Hartley, Full Metal Jacket.
From the hilarious Bad Santa, which is on YV on the 21st

Billy Bob Thornton's character smashed out of his skull is the shopping mall santa, passed out drunk having *issed himself.

Gin:Look here, get himy outta here and I'll go smooth things over with Chipeska, Tell him it was food poisoning or something.
Marcus: What do you mean, get him outta here?
Gin: Take him to the car.
Marcus: In case you didn't notice I'm a motherfucking dwarf, so unless you got a forklift handy, maybe you should lend a hand hmm?
Gin: That figures. You want all kind of set-asides. Special treatment 'cause you're handicapped. You're all the same.
Marcus: Special treatment? I'm 3-foot-fucking-tall you asshole! It's a matter of physics. Draw me a sketch of how I get him to the car, huh?
Gin: woman, woman, woman!
Marcus: Sketch it up, you fucking moron. Fucking Leonardo da Vinci.
Gin: What'd you call me thigh-high?
Marcus: I called you a fucking guinea homo from the 15th-fucking-century, you dickhead!
Gin: I could stick you up my ass, small fry.
Marcus: Yeah? You sure it ain't too sore from last night?
Gin: You got some lip on you midget.
Marcus: yeah? Well these lips were on your wife's pussy last night. Why don't you dust that thing off once in a while? Asshole
VOOMER said:
From the hilarious Bad Santa, which is on YV on the 21st

Gin:Look here, get himy outta here and I'll go smooth things over with Chipeska, Tell him it was food poisoning or something.
Marcus: What do you mean, get him outta here?
Gin: Take him to the car.
Marcus: In case you didn't notice I'm a motherfucking dwarf, so unless you got a forklift handy, maybe you should lend a hand hmm?
Gin: That figures. You want all kind of set-asides. Special treatment 'cause you're handicapped. You're all the same.
Marcus: Special treatment? I'm 3-foot-fucking-tall you asshole! It's a matter of physics. Draw me a sketch of how I get him to the car, huh?
Gin: woman, woman, woman!
Marcus: Sketch it up, you fucking moron. Fucking Leonardo da Vinci.
Gin: What'd you call me thigh-high?
Marcus: I called you a fucking guinea homo from the 15th-fucking-century, you dickhead!
Gin: I could stick you up my ass, small fry.
Marcus: Yeah? You sure it ain't too sore from last night?
Gin: You got some lip on you midget.
Marcus: yeah? Well these lips were on your wife's pussy last night. Why don't you dust that thing off once in a while? Asshole
'Thigh High', ahahahahah!!!
Never seen this, what channel is it on? YV?

Brett: No, no, I just want you to know... I just want you to know how sorry we are that things got so fucked up with us and Mr. Wallace. We got into this thing with the best intentions and I never...
Jules: [Jules shoots the man on the couch] I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Marsellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country are you from?
Brett: What? What? Wh - ?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Jules: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Brett: Yes! Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like!
Brett: What?
Jules: Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!
Bad Santa is on Channel 5 at 9pm on 21/12/11. I firmly believe this to be one of the funniest films ever made.
Blain Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. (Chewing tobacco) This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.

Poncho... [holding up his grenade launcher] Yeah, so strap this on your "sore ass", Blain.

Ron Burgundy: Well, that's going to do it for all of us here at Channel 4 News. You stay classy, San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?
Ed Harken: Damn it, who typed a question mark on the teleprompter? For the last time, anything you put on that prompter, Burgundy will read!
in bruges;

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Play it to the bone:

"If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a cocksucker."

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