furthest or most bizarre

I moved to Birmingham in 1992 and couldn't believe it when I first saw my next door neighbour. He was wearing a city shirt and had moved from Sale.
I was in the old town of Lindos on Rhodes last year when I seena donkey owner wearing an old City shirt ..... I turned back round and he was gone ... I could sticka a photo up If I could be bothered
Ian said:
I moved to Birmingham in 1992 and couldn't believe it when I first saw my next door neighbour. He was wearing a city shirt and had moved from Sale.

Oh, funny, I was going to say Sale was the most bizarre place I'd seen a City shirt. :)
Doesnt match with some of the above but was on a roller-coaster in Busch Gardens in Florida and my son was wearing a City shirt and dropped his wallet while on the ride (he was only 8 but had a little City wallet with a few pennies in).

When the ride stopped he was upset at losing it but we got off the ride with him now crying and suddenly a lad tapped us on the shoulder and said 'is this your wallet?' turned around and he was wearing a City shirt!!!
Cheltblue said:
Doesnt match with some of the above but was on a roller-coaster in Busch Gardens in Florida and my son was wearing a City shirt and dropped his wallet while on the ride (he was only 8 but had a little City wallet with a few pennies in).

When the ride stopped he was upset at losing it but we got off the ride with him now crying and suddenly a lad tapped us on the shoulder and said 'is this your wallet?' turned around and he was wearing a City shirt!!!

If it had been a rag wallet, would the lad that found it have been as honest?
in a bar in joberg 91( foxys) a guy came in wearing the 70`s retro home, had a good natter with him, come on , who was it?
On a coach transfer to Goa in India i saw a geezer with the old brother red n black striped kit overtaking us on a moped to which I hung out of the window shouting blue army, he and the rest of the bus just looked at me like I was a prick. I was genuinely shocked to see a city shirt so far away until we got to the resort where we were staying and i counted 9 different indians with various city shirts/t-shirts/shorts on we were only beat by sunderland who amassed 11 points in my sad little pathetic game. They were top people and would mither the shirt of your back I swapped that horrible burgundy/white 3rd kit for use of a moped for 2 and a half weeks.

This official scientific research does prove that city fans are nearly the kindest in the world.
I always try converting a few foriengers when i go abroad a bit like a catholic missionary, if our ground ends up full of foreigners from around the globe don't think they might be new fans trying to jump on our newly found wealth and anticipation of some success, no they'll probably just be some of my converts on a pilgrimage.

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