G P surgeries hiding appointments

For over 3 years I have had problems. I have seen 2 different Neurologists, why it wasnt the same one, fuck knows. Over a year ago my referal to Neurology was rejected by a wanker Neurologist who wanted to play God. This 3rd different neurologist decided that as the GP had not sent him any information he was not seeing me. There is a 56 week wait to see one and so it seems my GP started the process again. I saw my 4th different one today. Lets see if I get anywhere.
I am posting it in here because when the useless dick refereed me, common sense would say he sent a little note, not a long note, just a little one stating why I was being refferred again, but he didnt.
You can't phone mine , you have to go online fill details of illness and they then contact you by phone
Sell a kidney. Go private. Then sell another part of your body you don't need and keep on going private. When you run out of body parts to sell, die!
WTF is going on have things changed, last time i seen the doc was around 2012 and he gave me a bollocking for not seeing him since 1998,i mean lets be serious did he want me to invent an illness just to keep up on a one to one with him, the nurse was like a vampire lurking in the shadows of his office waiting to pounce as i left demanding full bloods, blood presure, cholestorol etc i got the feeling she was trying to drum up a little business, i politely declined and said il see you again when i'm ill, not been near the place since,has it really got so bad
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WTF is going on have things changed, last time i seen the doc was around 2012 and he gave me a bollocking for not seeing him since 1998,i mean lets be serious did he want me to invent an illness just to keep up on a one to one with him, the nurse was like a vampire lurking in the shadows of his office waiting to pounce as i left demanding full bloods, blood presure, cholestorol etc i got the feeling she was trying to drum up a little business, i politely declined and said il see you again when i'm ill, not been near the place since,has it really got so bad
See a rant I did yesterday. I was referred by the GP to a neurologist. Apparently he sent him no information bar, presumably my name. (I have the neurologists letter rejecting the referral because of this.) Ignoring that me, the patient is the one that loses out, as I had to go to the back of the queue and start again, what kind of half wit doesn't do the basics?
See a rant I did yesterday. I was referred by the GP to a neurologist. Apparently he sent him no information bar, presumably my name. (I have the neurologists letter rejecting the referral because of this.) Ignoring that me, the patient is the one that loses out, as I had to go to the back of the queue and start again, what kind of half wit doesn't do the basics?
its very sad mate and i wish you well, going to Thailand in Jan to get my teeth seen to, so the 18 day package i put together- hotel,flights,teeth comes in cheaper than a private dentist in the UK and they are just as good if not better, its a sham a fucking disgrace TBH
its very sad mate and i wish you well, going to Thailand in Jan to get my teeth seen to, so the 18 day package i put together- hotel,flights,teeth comes in cheaper than a private dentist in the UK and they are just as good if not better, its a sham a fucking disgrace TBH
There is a political rant going on at the moment in, obviously, the politics section of bm. I have not commented but it isn't down to a political party and it isn't down to money. If an individual cannot do the basics I.e. send my details, then no amount of money will fix it. If the consultant can't be arsed or is too pompous to pick up the phone and ask me, the patient what tablets etc I am on, in doesn't matter if you paid him 10k a week, I still would be ignored.
WTF is going on have things changed, last time i seen the doc was around 2012 and he gave me a bollocking for not seeing him since 1998,i mean lets be serious did he want me to invent an illness just to keep up on a one to one with him, the nurse was like a vampire lurking in the shadows of his office waiting to pounce as i left demanding full bloods, blood presure, cholestorol etc i got the feeling she was trying to drum up a little business, i politely declined and said il see you again when i'm ill, not been near the place since,has it really got so bad
Everyone is offered an mot every year , it is the nhs being proactive and catch illnesses early
Everyone is offered an mot every year , it is the nhs being proactive and catch illnesses early
When you say everyone, what about those not offered it ?
I've never been offered it, Mrs Mist hasn't (different surgery) and neither have my mates.
I'd go further and say none of us know about it.
MSK seems to be hiding my knee op appointment as well, cunts.

9 months of agony, the worst year of my life and has aged me 10 years.

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