Game of Thrones season 5

The War of the 5 Kings as it was billed at the start, Stannis was the last one standing, i really don't think he is dead
The War of the 5 Kings as it was billed at the start, Stannis was the last one standing, i really don't think he is dead

Just my guesses mate, you might well be right, but it would be totally out of character for Brienne to spare him, I dont like it when shows have their characters doing suddenly doing things differently to how they have been all the way through, just for shock or mystery. She doesnt meet him in the books I am told, so why have her meet him and not kill him, totally pointless. What next the hound to come back and start bumming ser Loras?
The War of the 5 Kings as it was billed at the start, Stannis was the last one standing, i really don't think he is dead

Same, it would have showed his death to satisfy those disgusted with some of his recent actions otherwise i feel.
The same way we never saw the demise of the hound, such a prominent characters death would be visualized i am almost certain.

Fair comment on the lady from Tarth Mr Knee however there are a thousand and one ways he could live and she still hate him. She may have seen teh candle at the last second and bolted off for example.
Dorne - hopes that we wont see much from them again, but I fear we will subjected to more tedious shite, hopefully get to see those amazing top bollocks again though

They were pretty fucking spectacular. In fact I'm off looking for a clip of them right now.
Is it just me that finds teh dothraki a load of complete wankers ?
They bang on about their skill in combat but no fucker i know lets a wound fester for a start, let alone a man of the land.
Every other army i have seen is more prepared for a battle than those horse shaggers, one barrage from the archers would reduce their numbers by half, can't stand story lines with those useless turds tbh.
Same, it would have showed his death to satisfy those disgusted with some of his recent actions otherwise i feel.
The same way we never saw the demise of the hound, such a prominent characters death would be visualized i am almost certain.

Fair comment on the lady from Tarth Mr Knee however there are a thousand and one ways he could live and she still hate him. She may have seen teh candle at the last second and bolted off for example.

She has sworn an oath to avenge Renly, seeing the candle or not she had drawn her sword back, hardly take her a second to bring it down and lop his head off.

The Dothraki do doggy (and presumably anal as well) though, their one redeeming feature is they fuck and fight. I think the unsullied for a tribe who have been bred to fight, and done nothing from cradle to sale but learn how to fight, seem to be fucked up by blokes in gold masks quite easily, which is a bit shit IMO.
Is it just me that finds teh dothraki a load of complete wankers ?
They bang on about their skill in combat but no fucker i know lets a wound fester for a start, let alone a man of the land.
Every other army i have seen is more prepared for a battle than those horse shaggers, one barrage from the archers would reduce their numbers by half, can't stand story lines with those useless turds tbh.

Spears and bow and arrows would fuck them up big time. Same principle as the Napoleonic wars. Form square with spears butts sticking in the ground, points facing outwards and no horse in the world will charge it. Then have your archers peppering the cunts from within the safety of the square. Unless they have horse archers, in which case you're fucked. Old Genghis conquered most of the world with horse archers.
Yeah that did my head in also, grey worm gave a good account of himself but i hate the continuity issues in films and shows like that. You can still focus and show the main character in the scene, all those unsullied are trained to the same standards or i presume given the chop. Having him as last man standing was just to hollywood for me, ok not standing but you get my point.

Yeah she had drawn her sword but i just can't reason it in my head that he is gone i am just not buying that just yet. Your reasoning is sound but i just can't/don't want to get my head around such a lame ending for such a fierce character.

I think they are going for a bit of Ghengis's crew with the dothraki now you mention his name.
Spears and bow and arrows would fuck them up big time. Same principle as the Napoleonic wars. Form square with spears butts sticking in the ground, points facing outwards and no horse in the world will charge it. Then have your archers peppering the cunts from within the safety of the square. Unless they have horse archers, in which case you're fucked. Old Genghis conquered most of the world with horse archers.

Dothraki indeed are horse archers much like the mongols and as the rapers (i mean riders) of Rohan proved in LOTR a good horse charge will go through most things. To further my point using film, as Chard says in Zulu "we know how Zulu's feel about cavalry".

The unsullied and their spears would be fucked up by a hoard of Dothraki, so will Daenerys ring piece with any luck, then she really will have something to whine about, the miserable, no nudity clause woman.

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