Game of Thrones season 5

They do make the jump but in the book they jumped into 5 foot of snow drifts, last night they jumped onto about 2mm of the stuff

I agree they should have made it seem like they were jumping into a bigger pile of snow. They just jumped down as far as the bird who splattered on the courtyard just a minute earlier!
Meh, getting a bit bored of this to be honest. I can take the odd good guy dying to liven things up but it's starting to feel l
I don't mind them dying but it seems they are dying for shock value and not production/quality value. I agree totally with you saying the stories are a bit wishy washy due to it.
I understand the need to keep it fresh but after 2 seasons of build up then dead before anything proper, meh it feels a little hollow.

It's feeling a bit like George RR Martins only trick. "Hmmm, not sure what to do here.. I know lets murder a main character". Really hope it picks up next season because aside from Hardhome it's felt like it's on a downward slide. I mean WTF was that 'battle' for Winterfell all about? *Cut to loads of dead people - Random scene with Stannis - Shit we need to get a bit of Breane avenging Renley in - Random bit of Ramsey so we know he's still there* The whole episode felt incredibly rushed. If you're going to try and eek out all the good stuff to make sure people watch the whole series make sure you don't run out of road before getting to show it all.

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