Garry Cook - Clueless

Didsbury Dave said:
RBmk2 said:
Oh gosh-I've lost my "credibility" on an internet football forum with "Didsbury Dave."
Seriously-how can I carry on after this?LOL!

I don't have to explain anything to you-but here goes anyway.

I first sat in CB L1,virtually at pitch level when we moved to CoMs.
First season and derbies apart,the atmosphere was for the most part,bobbins.
Like sitting on the moon.
I tried to move seats at the end of the first season but got told "there's nowhere to move to."
During the Pearce era,me and a couple of mates got the chance to relocate to 111 for a cheap deal as the initial enthusiasm had obviosuly worn off with a few newbies-and it was the total opposite.
A good giggle-you got to stand,sing and do your thing.

If City told me I had to permanently change seats from there,I had no choice in the matter and I had to go back to CB or somewhere similar and pay £100 more,I think I'd knock it on the head.


After having three seasons surrounded by fans who seem to enjoy themselves-I couldn't go back to sitting on my hands.
Apologies to those that do or have no choice but to,but I can't watch football like that.

And talikng of "credibility"-tell me, David.....

Oak or Nelson?

You said that if you had to move seats you'd "sack it off".

your love for Manchester City knows no bounds.

Maybe the explanation isn't clear enough for you?

I reserve the right to sit where I choose unless there is a health and safety issue or the club are suddenly instructed to move me due to away fans,FA rules etc.
I like where I sit/stand-and I wouldn't want to move anywhere else.
I suspect there are people in the NS who feel the same.
It 's about having freedom of CHOICE-I don't see why you find this so hard to understand or appreciate without making baseless,judgemental comments?

And you still haven't answered-Oak or Nelson?
There is a misconception amongst the hierarchy at MCFC that City can be a huge global club on a par with Madrid, Barca, United. It simply isnt true. We never have and never will be in their league globally, and to be quite frank 99% of city fans couldnt give a fuck about it. I really dont care about being a new Barca...Im quite happy watching my team, at a decent price and hopefully see some decent football...I couldnt give a rats arse if we win the Champions league or not. its not why I follow City.
All this bollocks about stadium expansion..we can barely fill the ground now, big matches just about sell out despite having our most succesful season in the Premiership. If we got in the Chumps league we would be lucky to get 35,000 in for most games.
As for improved customer experience Mr Cook...the best customer experience I ever had watching city was in a leaky fucking shed called the Kippax ....we didnt need a fucking two foot hot dog and a jesters hat then pal.

You cant polish a turd Mr Cook...this is Beswick not the Kings Road.
RBmk2 said:
Oak or Nelson?

Sorry to interrupt, but this one's a no-brainer isn't it? The Royal Oak is good for a cheese lunch, The Nelson is the home of the Didsbury Blues.
BillyMC said:
There is a misconception amongst the hierarchy at MCFC that City can be a huge global club on a par with Madrid, Barca, United. It simply isnt true. We never have and never will be in their league globally, and to be quite frank 99% of city fans couldnt give a fuck about it. I really dont care about being a new Barca...Im quite happy watching my team, at a decent price and hopefully see some decent football...I couldnt give a rats arse if we win the Champions league or not. its not why I follow City.
All this bollocks about stadium expansion..we can barely fill the ground now, big matches just about sell out despite having our most succesful season in the Premiership. If we got in the Chumps league we would be lucky to get 35,000 in for most games.
As for improved customer experience Mr Cook...the best customer experience I ever had watching city was in a leaky fucking shed called the Kippax ....we didnt need a fucking two foot hot dog and a jesters hat then pal.

You cant polish a turd Mr Cook...this is Beswick not the Kings Road.

spot on fella ;)
Regular Joe said:
RBmk2 said:
Oak or Nelson?

Sorry to interrupt, but this one's a no-brainer isn't it? The Royal Oak is good for a cheese lunch, The Nelson is the home of the Didsbury Blues.

(the) Station. Jump aboard and enjoy the ride.
BillyMC said:
There is a misconception amongst the hierarchy at MCFC that City can be a huge global club on a par with Madrid, Barca, United. It simply isnt true. We never have and never will be in their league globally, and to be quite frank 99% of city fans couldnt give a fuck about it. I really dont care about being a new Barca...Im quite happy watching my team, at a decent price and hopefully see some decent football...I couldnt give a rats arse if we win the Champions league or not. its not why I follow City.
All this bollocks about stadium expansion..we can barely fill the ground now, big matches just about sell out despite having our most succesful season in the Premiership. If we got in the Chumps league we would be lucky to get 35,000 in for most games.
As for improved customer experience Mr Cook...the best customer experience I ever had watching city was in a leaky fucking shed called the Kippax ....we didnt need a fucking two foot hot dog and a jesters hat then pal.

You cant polish a turd Mr Cook...this is Beswick not the Kings Road.

If City start winning, and 1 in 2 kids in Manchester choose City as their allegiance rather than 1 in 15, we won't be a "turd"
AustinBlue said:
BillyMC said:
There is a misconception amongst the hierarchy at MCFC that City can be a huge global club on a par with Madrid, Barca, United. It simply isnt true. We never have and never will be in their league globally, and to be quite frank 99% of city fans couldnt give a fuck about it. I really dont care about being a new Barca...Im quite happy watching my team, at a decent price and hopefully see some decent football...I couldnt give a rats arse if we win the Champions league or not. its not why I follow City.
All this bollocks about stadium expansion..we can barely fill the ground now, big matches just about sell out despite having our most succesful season in the Premiership. If we got in the Chumps league we would be lucky to get 35,000 in for most games.
As for improved customer experience Mr Cook...the best customer experience I ever had watching city was in a leaky fucking shed called the Kippax ....we didnt need a fucking two foot hot dog and a jesters hat then pal.

You cant polish a turd Mr Cook...this is Beswick not the Kings Road.

If City start winning, and 1 in 2 kids in Manchester choose City as their allegiance rather than 1 in 15, we won't be a "turd"

This is the thing most city fans dont want, fans just jumping on the band wagon because we are winning.
Then because we have out priced our local kids they dont go to the game, they chose city because we have a full trophy cabinet and we rapily become the scum, with fans not knowing who we are playing or even who is in the team.
As much as I am enjoying the money side and we all are, if it came to losing our REAL support or the money id leave the money. Im city through and through and have never seen us win anything, but that has not stopped me, even though i am now on the otherside of the world im on here everyday checking out whats going on, and make sure I watch every game no matter what time it is, this goes for thousands of city fans around the world.
Nobody wants to be sat in a pub talking to someone with a city shirt on who just does not have a clue.
I love the feeling of walking around a foreign city on holiday and seeing someone in a city shirt and giving them the knowing nod. We know they are real blues and have been to a game, I wonder how many rags do that when away? Id bet none as they know they prob still think beckham still plays for them.

The thing is though can we have the money and the Champions League and the star players etc etc without attracting the fair weather fans and losing that identity we once had?
I don't think we can - it is just the price you pay for being successful. I wish we could stay like we are in terms of fanbase and that but after so many years of watching us win nothing I could take a few extra glory supporters if it meant we win something.
it seems progression is starting to scare some of our more comfortable fans i see in here!
having read 17 pages of this drivel I think some people on here need a reality check.

whilst cook has stated he reads bluemoon I don't think it carried much weight in the real deciscion making within the club. The board will have looked at a lot of things and the prime motivation for all this is probably based on factors that we have no knowledge about like how many more years will the sheik bankroll us for etc.

A large percentage of fans on this forum are already from all points of the globe so whilst I accept they contribute a lot to this forum I doubt that the club will ever miss any money they actually put into the club.

one of the biggest mistakes gary cook ever made was trying to be trendy and saying he read bluemoon some people on here seem to think that just because a few posters say something should or should not happen it will.

so to all fans like the OP if you are so upset by all this do not renew Most fans are more than happy with the club at the moment and I am sure if you do not renew then sooner rather than later someone else will come and take your place.
As a fan you are noy irreplacable the club looses very loyal fans all the time and low and behold the johnie come latelys take their place some of whom go on to become the long serving loyal fans of the future,

so please stop moaning if you have had enough of cook or the club or the manager then exercise your right and don't renew but please remember the club actually owe you nothing.

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