Garry Cook

Gary James said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Unlike Cook, it's difficult for me to speak definitively as he doesn't do interviews (or if he does I haven't seen them). Cook gave himself away as a clown most times he opened his mouth, but Marwood seems to have carved himself a niche at City. I'm not sure what that niche is, though. It will be interesting to see what happens when the new CEO comes in. Will he survive? Not sure.

DD he has done a couple of interviews with the media and they've been okay but, understandably, City became a bit wary of this sort of thing when GC was caught out.

Personally, I have managed to do a few interviews (all recorded) with Brian and have to say that his actions and passion for the job at City has helped the Blues develop significantly. Ultimately, as with GC and others, it is up to Khaldoon, the directors, and Sheikh Mansour to judge whether he's doing a good job or not, but from what I've seen and heard I think it's clear he is.

In my recorded interviews with Khaldoon he did, of course, talk positively about Brian (yeah I know he's unlikely to criticise but I can usually tell if someone is spinning a line or whether someone is genuine).

Inevitably there are some that won't like certain officials at City but to me it's fairly clear that City's directors and owner wouldn't tolerate someone who they don't have faith in. So many changes have occurred at City that I reckon there'll be quite a few people who feel a little upset that they are either no longer significant or that 'their' person is no longer in a position of note. That inevitably causes some to be more critical of those now in key roles. That's a shame.

Interesting, Gary. Have you any links to transcripts? It's actually quite difficult to know who is responsible for what areas of the business within City now. There is McBeath, board members like Simon Pearce, some new guy they took on recently, Marwood etc etc.

You can't be a long term City fan and not have some healthy cynicism for those in key roles of course. We'e had our fingers burnt too many times! You assume that the ADUG guys are learning as they are going along, and certainly the Chairman seems a bright fella. We seem to be shooting ourselves in the foot an awful lot less these days, and of course results are improving all the time.
johnny crossan said:
Here's the last 15 minutes of Garry's GMR interview with Ian Cheeseman. I think he comes across as sincere.


Thanks Johnny. Have you anything with regards to MArwood?
Prestwich_Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You can't be a long term City fan and not have some healthy cynicism for those in key roles of course.
I think the term "healthy cynicism" is charitable in the extreme when talking about some of the former occupants of the board room.

I don't think he was ever a director, but whatever happened to Swales's puppet John Maddock?

I might start a thread on this, may be of interest to our newer fans.
Didsbury Dave said:
Thanks Johnny. Have you anything with regards to MArwood?
only these old clips



Didsbury Dave said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You can't be a long term City fan and not have some healthy cynicism for those in key roles of course.
I think the term "healthy cynicism" is charitable in the extreme when talking about some of the former occupants of the board room.

I don't think he was ever a director, but whatever happened to Swales's puppet John Maddock?

I might start a thread on this, may be of interest to our newer fans.
This John Maddock?

In the same way we have threads about our worst ever XI, we should have one about the board from hell.
Bojinov The Bull said:
I'd say 95% of the fans would like him back.

5% would be closer to the mark. 45% would be happy to go with the judgement of the men in charge who accepted his resignation without a fight. The other 50% don't give a toss one way or the other.
I've already found that. PB, with a simple Google. "General Manager Manchester City FC" my arse.

Swales's axeman, his patsy, although he couldn't save him in the end. That was the beginning of the end for Old Peter. That's when most people's patience finally snapped.
peoffrey said:
Skashion said:
I believe that's Marwood's department but ultimately the owner and Khaldoon's as well. Mostly I blame Hughes for buying old, supposedly 'proven', players like Bridge, for way over the odds. Made them impossible to get rid of at any price.

It's alright for you to make condescending comments about it saying a lot about the people who actually met him and found him to be a friendly and affable chap though?

Marwood is woefully out of his depth. There was no vacancy at City yet Cook pushed through a job for his old Buddy at Nike. Hopefully the new CEO will come in and realise how useless he is in terms of negotiating deals and contracts. You'd think an ex-Pro would actually know what he's talking about.

Cook just had good people skills and could turn his smile up whenever he needed to. In my business life, I've shook hands with people I can't stand and dealt with people I feel superior to - but I'm also fairly sure they didn't realise. At the end of the day, Cook bought the pints and posed for photos! More fool the fans who thought he was their friend.

I think the ringing endorsement from Khaldoon may have more credo than your opinion.

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