Gary Cook - Reply from a Level 2 seasoncard holder

moomba said:
The letter from the club addressed a lot of the concerns I had, so credit to them for that.

It's all still a bit vague, and this desire of the supporters for more premium type seats I suspect doesn't exist.

But at least we can make a decision with a bit of an idea what will happen next season.

What I'd like to see is a much greater chance to provide input into what the changes will be, for me parking and a free programme is worthless,not particularly interested in a padded seat and the TV is fine as it is. Being able to leave your seat at the half time whistle, buy a pint and get back in time for the second half kick off is worth something to me, although I'd consider that a basic service, not a premium one.

So I hope the information keeps coming thick and fast, and the people in level 2 get some sort of input as to how it will be developed over the next year or so.

That mister, is how I feel.
If the club wants to get some more of my dosh, just make it easier to purchase refreshments.

I am a bit miffed however about the relocation date changes.
In the renewal pack it says that as a level two S/C holder, because of the proposed increase due to the "Premium experience" I may want to relocate for next season.
However, the North standers are now getting first dibs at the best alternative seats available.
I know I'm not being forced to relocate like the North Stand, but to tell my my ticket price is going to rise by 50% and not give me the opportunity of relocating to the best of what's available is out of order.
Wow this is a pretty deep issue. This is MY personal view on the issue.

My main concern is as a teenager I sit in the Colin Bell, well 231 - right next to the Family Stand. Not a great atmosphere and I was happy where I WAS. I was planning to sit there for a season or two more before the South Stand/East Stand, generally more atmospheric parts of the ground.
Now, if I want my £95 seasoncard, which I do then I have to stay in the Family Stand until I'm 16. That's, for me, 3 years more due to the fact that it's your age when you buy. Now I appreciate you proper nawty South Standers don't want a young kid "sat" next to you, but come on. I was planning to relocate the the Family Stand Lvl 1, seeing as it has "Some" atmosphere, but now seeing as nowhere past the dead-ball line will see any singing then there's no point for me, I'll just sit with some eight year olds in lvl 2. City, yes we are getting these new players etc, but seeing that the price of tickets for a season would pay only pay for a couple of player's wages I can't understand the price hikes. Add to the treatment of kids the people sat in the FS LVL1, along with huge rises for wheelchair access seats I really feel like the club is losing contact with it's fans. For me personally, my only chance of getting some atmosphere at a city match, bar a hopeful final next season, is away matches, and with the current financial climate I can't see myself getting to many of those. This season just gone I only went to the likes of Burnley and 'Boro away. For me personally this means that watching city has really slumped to what it was, and apart from the odd relocation at (hopefully!) no extra cost I don't see the point in going that much. I probably will get the seasoncard but I have had a mind to tell my dad not to bother, and if other parents and children are getting the same impression, it doesn't bode well for the younger generation.

This is like I say, my quickly typed up view, and this is why I am angry at the seasoncard changes, and hopefully this gives another viewpoint rather than the "I'll have to move! COOK OUT!" ideas of some city fans.

Thanks for reading
Have to applaud every time I see a post on here addressed to a senior figure at the club.

I'm going to start one now telling the Shiekh to fuck off, that'll ensure we remain well and truly shit and huzzah we can be laughed at again instead of hated!
Lancet Fluke said:
Henry Chinaski said:
Sick of hearing all this crap. Gary Cook, in my opinion, is a sound guy, who works hard and does not have the easiest job in the world. Granted he buggers up sometimes but who doesnt.

Take a step back and just think what city are about now. Top players going for titles. If being moved in the stadium is all you can whinge about then count yourself very lucky.

I would pay top dollar to see the type of players we have now and wouldnt give a toss where i sat.

Get a grip.

To be fair you probably wouldn't want to sit near the op. It would be a f*cking nightmare.

I sit relatively close to the OP.

It's worse than you stated yourself...
TheMightyQuinn said:
Have to applaud every time I see a post on here addressed to a senior figure at the club.

I'm going to start one now telling the Shiekh to fuck off, that'll ensure we remain well and truly shit and huzzah we can be laughed at again instead of hated!
It's like a fookin stalker club,next they'll be waiting for them outside after the game.
There are three of us sat in the East Stand, we will wait and see this season and intend to copper up the increase to come . The big but is we only want to watch the game,our pre match experience is in the pub and post match come to that.
Apart from padded seats a la Arsenal and maybe easier less crowded half time toilets thats about it for the extra money we can figure out.
Maybe topless barmaids but I doubt it
The complaints about being shuffled about are understandable but tough,the club is a business and with EUFA proposals we must increase club revenue.
At Maine Road over the years and depending on finance sat or stood all over the ground. Nothing new now, if I cannot afford the East Stand will move,buy beg or steal a ticket as long as I'm there.
Guess in a couple of seasons with demand rising just be gratefull for a ticket, our old world is changing, its the price of success.
alextrueblue said:
Threads like this are only damaging to the club and make us look like ungratefull twats! OP would you be happy to stay in your seat with no increase, if it meant we would be relying on benjani/vassel/sommeil/samaras et al?
So, to sum up;

One fan who doesn't wanna move or pay more blames everything on Cooke then writes an open letter slagging off the club and management.

The vast majority of responses to said letter tell the OP he's talkikng bollocks.

Mr Cooke (who i thought was English and not American) hurls said letter across his office and into the bin.


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