Gary James' 'Boy's in Blue' Dancehouse - 9th June

It was a brilliant evening. Mrs Vienna and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

@Gary James' narration of the clips we saw was top class and his knowledge of City and ability to pinpoint a player or opposing team, even from the oldest footage, some of which had never been shown in public before, is amazing. Harry Dowd's cine-film footage from Vienna in 1970 was fantastic to see.

However, it was very scary to see Peter bloody Swales in some of the clips; they brought back some very bad memories for a lot of the audience.

And to cap off the evening, on the way down the stairs, I saw someone I thought I recognised coming down the steps opposite, so I asked Mrs Vienna, "Is that Ferran Sorranio?"

So, as we met at the bottom of the steps, I plucked up the courage to ask him. "Yes, thank you for supporting us", he replied, as he shook my hand. At that point, two or three others turned to him and said things like keep up the good work. Mrs Vienna ask him if he'd enjoyed the show and he replied that he had. Very much.

Then, as we went down the next flight, I saw Brian Marwood making his way down.

All-in-all a very enjoyable evening. Thank you, Gary and the Dancehouse.

Im still up as seeing Swales even after all this time still induces nightmares,wacking a few sleeping tablets down.

Clips showed Swales as the absolute prick he undoubtedly was although in his defence most management styles at the time were Authoritarian ie im the top man,my way or the highway etc
Fantastic evening, great show. A lot of laughs, some sad moments, lots of memories. Gary's commentary helpful and witty. Met a few people I've not seen in a while and saw loads of faces from years ago - in the audience not the show! Bought the tickets for my dad's birthday and he loved it. The really old footage like the game at Hyde Road was fascinating. Well done to all involved in the making
Im still up as seeing Swales even after all this time still induces nightmares,wacking a few sleeping tablets down.

Clips showed Swales as the absolute prick he undoubtedly was although in his defence most management styles at the time were Authoritarian ie im the top man,my way or the highway etc

Well excuse me, he's number 1, have some respect! That's number 1...
Was a great night. The early footage was fascinating, but enjoyed the 70's onwards a bit more. Odd watching the Swales bits. Strangely enjoyed it, he was an odd character. The bit in his office where he has his own picture on the wall behind him was superb.

I've just about cooled down now after spending the night in the fridge. Christ it was warm in there.
A wonderful nostalgic evening. Saw many old faces in the audience. Found the footage of the last day of the Kippax very moving and a little upsetting. I know time moves on, but I wish my teenage kids could experience something like that.
thanks for all the comments. It was great to see so many there. Yes Ferran, Brian Marwood, Peter Barnes and several other key figures from present day City were in the audience watching. It was great that they came to see City's history, especially as all of it pre dated their involvement. It was also good that they Sat in the audience unannounced, feeling the heat like everyone else, and well simply enjoying it. I know people sometimes think football officials are remote but actually these guys showed they were keen to take a backseat and enjoy the evening like the rest of us. Swales would have got up on stage. I'd much prefer the modern professional approach.

thanks again to all who came. If you have photos from the night please either post them here or to my twitter. If like to create a folder on my Facebook. Thanks again
thanks for all the comments. It was great to see so many there. Yes Ferran, Brian Marwood, Peter Barnes and several other key figures from present day City were in the audience watching. It was great that they came to see City's history, especially as all of it pre dated their involvement. It was also good that they Sat in the audience unannounced, feeling the heat like everyone else, and well simply enjoying it. I know people sometimes think football officials are remote but actually these guys showed they were keen to take a backseat and enjoy the evening like the rest of us. Swales would have got up on stage. I'd much prefer the modern professional approach.

thanks again to all who came. If you have photos from the night please either post them here or to my twitter. If like to create a folder on my Facebook. Thanks again
Thanks for putting on such a thought provoking evening Gary.

As you pointed out, we had just won a number of trophies and Swales et al thought they could do better!

Having watched the way Swales ("I'm the Boss") behaved and then looking at how Malcolm Alison, Tony Book and Joe Mercer spoke so well and in such a dignified way, I got angry at Swales all over again.

It makes you wonder that if the previous chairman had actually stayed in place and Swales hadn't taken over, where would City be now? Someone always comes in to fill the void. The timing of Liverpool's ascent to the top of Europe's elite clubs seems to have coincided with our journey down. Maybe now we can make up for lost ground; I wish Joe and Malcolm were her to see what's happening now!

Thanks again and a big thank you for helping me realise once more just why I support 'our' club, Manchester City.
Swales was quite clearly the inspiration for David Brent, an egotistical, megalomaniac with no business acumen whatsoever. I bet the current City key staff couldn't believe the P.J. Swales, scattergun approach...if it hadn't been so catastrophic, it would actually be hilarious!

A brilliant night, which brought back some great, and not so great, memories.

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