Gary Neville-Valencia coach - SACKED!

Sad news, I had the rat brothers pencilled in to take over from giggs at the swamp in two years time when they are relegated :-(
I wanted him to do well other there because he was brave enough to take it but he's been awful. He's actually a very humble bloke and I think when he does come back to Sky he will speak honestly about his time there.

Hated him as a player but I always thought you'd love him if he played for your team, can't see any reason why people still hate him after he retired.
I wanted him to do well other there because he was brave enough to take it but he's been awful. He's actually a very humble bloke and I think when he does come back to Sky he will speak honestly about his time there.

Hated him as a player but I always thought you'd love him if he played for your team, can't see any reason why people still hate him after he retired.

I think he is the opposite of humble and this may do him some good as a person.
I wanted him to do well other there because he was brave enough to take it but he's been awful. He's actually a very humble bloke and I think when he does come back to Sky he will speak honestly about his time there.

Hated him as a player but I always thought you'd love him if he played for your team, can't see any reason why people still hate him after he retired.
He did have the bollocks to put his money where his mouth was I suppose. Many talented talk but leave it at that, at least he tried though. Just unfortunate for him he failed completely.
It was too big a job/leap for him.The language barrier,unfamiliar surroundings,managerial inexperience.....all quickly added up to a recipe for failure.

However,huge credit from me for having the balls to give it a go,and long term he wont fail because,ultimately,what made me dislike him as a player is what will drive him as a manager.

I no longer have a problem with Neville,in fact,I quite like him.
It was too big a job/leap for him.The language barrier,unfamiliar surroundings,managerial inexperience.....all quickly added up to a recipe for failure.

However,huge credit from me for having the balls to give it a go,and long term he wont fail because,ultimately,what made me dislike him as a player is what will drive him as a manager.

I no longer have a problem with Neville,in fact,I quite like him.
I very much hate to agree with you.
Will take whatever ban comes my way.
Talk Shite talking about him with reverence last night even tipping him to be the next England Manager (when not tipping him to be next United manager.) So he has been a part time assistant to a largely unsuccessful England manager and bloody awful in his one bash on his own and they still big him up even about what he said when he admitted he was not good enough.
When the presenter said 'let's make this evening about Neville, England and Man United' I reached for the off button a few minutes later than I should have done.
I dont mind him to be honest..

He has always been very fair and respectful about City since he has been a pundit..

Camel gob and Ginger c*** should learn from him..
I wanted him to do well other there because he was brave enough to take it but he's been awful. He's actually a very humble bloke and I think when he does come back to Sky he will speak honestly about his time there.

Hated him as a player but I always thought you'd love him if he played for your team, can't see any reason why people still hate him after he retired.

Then I suppose you have to be a certain age to loath the ****,I can honestly say he's the most hated ex rag in most City fans (my era) time,and I think always will be,mainly down to his comments and mannerisms,which leads me onto his role as a pundit,I don't know how people can sit there all starry eyed on a monday night,wanking over how he see's the game,maybe his Manc accent makes you feel like one of our sons,but I'm telling you now for those who think he is great,and there are a few on here,the guys a wanker,whose hanging on to the success of his ex glories,(none International mind) and has gone over there and been shown for what he is,a fool,and no way should he be allowed to waltz back into sky and tell the nation how certain managers have got it wrong after a defeat on a Monday night,when he has got it so wrong in the last 4 months in Spain
I think those of you crediting him with having 'the balls' to do it are way off the mark. For a start he gave himself a getout clause saying that he never saw himself as a manager. And secondly, he will have expected to win every game & have everyone begging him to stay, so it wouldn't have worried him at all, taking the job.

All he does on Sky is explain the basics of football, mainly defending, to people who haven't taken it in. The fact that includes Pellegrini, Otamendi & Demichelis is beside the point.

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