Gary Neville-Valencia coach - SACKED!

Then I suppose you have to be a certain age to loath the ****,I can honestly say he's the most hated ex rag in most City fans (my era) time,and I think always will be,mainly down to his comments and mannerisms,which leads me onto his role as a pundit,I don't know how people can sit there all starry eyed on a monday night,wanking over how he see's the game,maybe his Manc accent makes you feel like one of our sons,but I'm telling you now for those who think he is great,and there are a few on here,the guys a wanker,whose hanging on to the success of his ex glories,(none International mind) and has gone over there and been shown for what he is,a fool,and no way should he be allowed to waltz back into sky and tell the nation how certain managers have got it wrong after a defeat on a Monday night,when he has got it so wrong in the last 4 months in Spain
Lol. No starry eyes here, just ready to accept and listen to an ex player who clearly knows his shit.

Also, I don't mind someone sneering at the local rivals of his club as that's rivalry. Some **** like Keane though, well for me he's the kind of ex rag to truly despise, he also talks shit as a pundit too.
He was absolutely loathed and detested when he played for the rags. Always sniping at us and gloating [who can forget his run down the touchline and giving it large in front of the City fans when that twat Owen scored the winner in the 3-4?] Then there was his ''I have never lost to City at any level and I am not about to start now'' before our last derby at Maine Road,before Karma dealt him a great big kick in the bollocks with his pass to the Goat and a 3-1 loss.

I will give him his due he was a good pundit on sky and always fair to us but he was never ready for a managers job and Valencia must have been insane to think he was.
They were blaming Negrado for the boot on talkshite this morning.

Once a blue....

Fucking brilliant this by sky. Ratty gets the boot yesterday and tonight sky put on a programme called Gary Neville Sporting Triumphs!.

Fucking couldn't make it up, arse licking cunts.

Really is priceless.

If anything else it'll be entertaining to watch him return to Sky with his tail between his legs before returning to slate actual accomplished managers from the comfort of the Sky studio, with no irony whatsoever.
Didn't manage a single clean sheet in the league. Good luck telling other people that they've set up their defences wrong.
For the second night running Talk shite bigging him :

'Should he taken a PL club now when the England job beckons after the Euros' ' He might have failed at Valencia but all managers should be allowed fail once.' 'Valencia are a basket case' etc etc

I doubt that even Villa with their record of duck egg managers would touch him.

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