Gas & Electricity

I went heating free last winter. Fuck that again! The heating isn’t on all the time, but it’s on to heat the house up for quite a while. When the temperature eventually drops again in the house, I turn the heating on again. In the meantime, in bed with the electric blanket on, that doesn’t cost much.
We’ve set ours at 19 24/7 it’s costing us £3-£3.50 a day, I can live with that and the house is lovely and warm.
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Set our thermostat at 18.5 and left on 24 hours a day now costing about £5 a day, I can live with that with the log burner on downstairs house is bliss and we can afford it

We’ve set ours at 19 24/7 it’s costing us £3-£3.50 a day, I can live with that and the house is lovely and warm.
Cheaper at 19 degrees than 18.5 degrees?
Heating gets turned off when we go to bed and turned on when we get up.
No need for it at night.

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