Read your post a few weeks ago and it stuck in my mind.
We moved house a few weeks before Putin did his thing in Ukraine and energy bills went properly nuts. We have no kind of baseline to work from and the first Christmas in our house cost over a grand in gas and electric. We have been incredibly ginger with our electricity and central heating usage ever since as a result (and as a result of all other bills going through the roof too.)
Last winter and this winter so far, we have had the heating on for two scheduled hours a day, which hasn’t touched the sides as our new house is quite big.
Been properly fucking miserable for the last few winters, so have the mrs and kids. Carpets and surfaces so cold they feel wet to touch (they aren’t wet, just freezing.) Absolutely minging living in a cold house.
I had enough on the weekend, whacked the thermostat up to 19 degrees and spent the rest of the day thawing out with the family. The mrs went nuts because it cost nearly £20 to get up to temperature on Saturday. But ever since, we’ve been at £4-5/day to maintain the 19 degrees. Which isn’t too bad.
Glad I read your post and some other posts on this thread. Going to spend the summer looking for draughts and areas to improve like loft insulation. But for the rest of this winter we should be good at 19 degrees and £4-5/day.