gay pride

I know the point you are making Aphex and I completely agree. Through university and now work I live in Brighton so the pride march is a pretty big thing down here.

I used to work in Boots part time and it was on the route of the march. Needless to say plenty of attendees were coming in and buying lube, condoms and cock shaped objects just so they could make vile innuendoes at staff and anyone passing in proximity. Obviously this was a minority and I am not generalising but the things that were said to myself and even kids in the queue was disgusting.

This is also a genuine question, but is the camp accent put on? Always wondered, as I know a few lads that are top lads, gay, but you would never know.
bluesharx said:
beanie the horse said:
Eh? I don't know what you're ehing at. It seems clear and concise to me.
Sorry but I still ca`nt see the significance of dressing up as road workers or steeple jacks or whatever, this is a genuine question BTW, what are they trying to represent. To say they are celebrating being different by wearing run of the mill working clothes does`nt make sense, my take on it would be the real reason is they want to be seen as `macho men` rather than camp and weak by certain sections of society, but then again I`d be surprised if people on the `pride march` also did`nt dress in pink tutu`s angel outfits and caked in make up (which is no exageration as I have worked around canal street) which sort of makes it a march of contradictions, colourful it may be but still difficult to fathom.

What I was trying to get at was that they are a small section of the gay community. I'm sure that not every gay man in Greater Manchester was there.

Maybe you don't have to understand they dress like construction workers and just embrace the fact they are celebrating who they are. Even if they do want to be 'seen' as macho it's not a big deal, we all have public and private personas.

Gay men can look and act straight and don't have to all be like Sean Tully from Corrie. I don't think it's got anything to do why trying to 'act' macho. There are probably a fair few gay men who are more macho than you and me. I'm sure you wouldn't say the gay rugby player Gareth Thomas was camp and weak?
svennis pennis said:
I know the point you are making Aphex and I completely agree. Through university and now work I live in Brighton so the pride march is a pretty big thing down here.

I used to work in Boots part time and it was on the route of the march. Needless to say plenty of attendees were coming in and buying lube, condoms and cock shaped objects just so they could make vile innuendoes at staff and anyone passing in proximity. Obviously this was a minority and I am not generalising but the things that were said to myself and even kids in the queue was disgusting.

This is also a genuine question, but is the camp accent put on? Always wondered, as I know a few lads that are top lads, gay, but you would never know.

i think they do more harm than good. why does one's sexuality have to be a celebration?

i'll go out on a limb here and say they simply don't want to be ignored

they can't have it both ways..
Its all a bit 'ooh look at me, I'm really gay'

Work with a few gay lads, most of them decent chaps but there is one that's camper than a row of tents with the big loud put on camp voice and stupid laugh, it actually makes the rest of the gay lads cringe.
I've no issue at all with gay people except when they're trying to shove it down my throat
Was it not the Sky bike ride thing ??? couldnt park next to the shop at COMs today because of it,had to go to South 2 and walk up the resplendent JM way !

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