
my greatest memory of him was him taking the piss out of paul lake at maine road.
I went to Italia '90 and he single handedly dragged an average side to the verge of being world champions,can you imagine what Paul Parker would of been like if they'd won.
A wonderful talent rarely seen after the FA cup final for Spurs,remarkble he managed to play so many games,but the drinking,the drugs,and the hangers on finished him in the end.
The English version of Jim Baxter,in that he could have been anything but chose obliteration.
This is not about him as a footballer. It is about him as a wreck of a human being like so many others.
Weirdest advertising campaign I have ever seen. He is a shambles and the whole thing is shot in a stark HD close up way. More the kind of shock approach used by Campaigns/charities than trying to sell a product. He should be left alone and given advice and help.... 45 and yet no one would be suprised if we heard of his sad demise in the near future...... Tragic
He was and is a complete arsehole of a human being. All the apologists for his behaviour need to consider if he couldnt play football would they think the same of him. Its right and proper to take into consideration his addictions but the fact that he and he alone is responsible for his own behaviour, including the refusal to let go of said addictions to prop himself up shows him to be egocentric, incredibly selfish and stupid in equal measure. He is responsible for his own reactions to situations and events that have taken place in his life, no one else. You may think Im being harsh, possibly I am however, I have yet to see any evidence of Gascoigne making the changes he needs to that only come along with true remorse and humility. He's still relatively young. Hopefully theres still time but I seriously doubt it.
People are always quick to jump on people, drink is an addiction to some people and it's hard to stop and it also makes you do the most stupid things.

It's not unusual for a businessman down the pub/club to get rowdy and stupid after a few bevvies either.

He was a fantastic footballer, one of the best the country has produced. Anyone around during this time would know this. He had more talent than Gerard and Lampard put together and made some of the best defenders look daft.

As for people saying Fergie would have put him right, that's a load of bollocks too. He never got Bryan Robson to stop drinking and he got fed up of Paul Mcgraths drinking antics and got rid, he went on to be one of the best defenders in Europe and they would have won the title if it wasn't for United getting daft injury times like 9 minutes.
i feel sorry for lakey ,but he picked himself up and got on with his life.
i feel sorry for gazzas ex wife who he knocked the fuck out off
i feel sorry for soldiers with their legs and arms blown off
i dont feel sorry for some halfwit who drinks himself half to death.

nowt wrong with having a drink,but ffs 20 year binge ?

then i come on here i read poor old gazza hes got ocd,poor old gazza hes got demons,bollox hes a piss head nothing more nothing less.
TheMightyQuinn said:
carlos92 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:

He hardly stopped Robson from becoming a piss addled flasher. He didn't seem to exert any of his legendary fatherly influence over Giggs while he was shagging his brothers wife.

He's not managed to stop Rooney from being an odious little **** who brings the game into disrepute on an hourly basis (including slating off his own club and team mates) and would be banned indefinitely were it not for the FA living inside his fat scouse arse. He also failed spectacularly at turning Keane into a human rather than a career ending, alleged woman beating, child beating, psychopath who respected no one, Ferguson included.

And then there was the time one of his players decided to kung fu kick a fan.

Or his corrupt football agent son who kung fu kicks his wife around allegedly.

Wasn't Ravel Morrison meant to be the new Messi? Surely the old **** could have put his arm round the lad and instantly ended his desire to be an arsehole? Instead he flirted him off to West Ham.

This is just another myth like 'utd always finish the season stronger'. There's simply no truth to Ferguson being some kind of foster carer for disenfranchised and troubled young players who he then moulds into world beaters.

I'm glad Gazza didn't go to the rags and become a legend, in fact the thought of it makes me feel distinctly uneasy.

Gazza had a lot of serious problems, it's unlikely that several experts within their respective fields could have exorcised all the guys demons. To suggest a belligerent, obnoxious, bully like Ferguson could have helped is naive at best.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I'm just saying that there's a lengthy list of rag players who have fallen foul of the law, the FA etc under his reign.

There's also no evidence of him turning troubled young stars into world beaters.

Whenever a player does anything wrong, the media and public claim that 'Fergie wouldn't stand for that' but that's just not true nor does the evidence suggest that it has ever been true.

Missed drug tests.
Attacking fans.
Points deducted for on pitch brawls.
Players refusing to play.
Players openly questioning the clubs transfers and suggesting the club was failing.
Players purposely ending other players careers.
Constant stream of snide comments from Twitter by 'professional players'.
Players cheating on their wives.
Alleged rape at Xmas parties.
Alleged rape elsewhere.
Players arrested for beating girls.
Players arrested in a car full of guns and drugs.
Players shagging prostitutes.

Some of the above are problems a lot of clubs have suffered but there's a fair few (attacking fans, points deducted etc) that are almost exclusive to the rags under Ferguson. He's clearly not much of a disciplinarian or a very shit one and no matter how many times Beckham tells us about the time he kicked a boot at his stupid face, it still doesn't change a thing.

If a player can produce the goods on the pitch then Ferguson doesn't give a fuck what they do in their private lives, I'd assume most coaches are the same although given Ferguson's past I'd say Sir Alex is either very lenient indeed or a very poor and not respected disciplinarian.

-- Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:06 am --

carlos92 said:
You are entitled to your opinion. Maybe you are right that he cannot sort their private lives, but you cannot argue against his man-mangement skills (they ran us a closer than they should of).

He's good at getting the best out of pretty average players at times but Gazza was special.

I'm not having a go at you, I just hate ferguson a lot :)
Two absolutely fucking stunning posts there TMQ. I've said that stuff for fucking years. Sick to death of that fucking media bullshit about 'Fergie would sort him out'. One of the biggest lies, amongst a litany of lies about the ****. I'll leave it at that because your posts above say the rest.
malg said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
carlos92 said:
You are entitled to your opinion.

I'm just saying that there's a lengthy list of rag players who have fallen foul of the law, the FA etc under his reign.

There's also no evidence of him turning troubled young stars into world beaters.

Whenever a player does anything wrong, the media and public claim that 'Fergie wouldn't stand for that' but that's just not true nor does the evidence suggest that it has ever been true.

Missed drug tests.
Attacking fans.
Points deducted for on pitch brawls.
Players refusing to play.
Players openly questioning the clubs transfers and suggesting the club was failing.
Players purposely ending other players careers.
Constant stream of snide comments from Twitter by 'professional players'.
Players cheating on their wives.
Alleged rape at Xmas parties.
Alleged rape elsewhere.
Players arrested for beating girls.
Players arrested in a car full of guns and drugs.
Players shagging prostitutes.

Some of the above are problems a lot of clubs have suffered but there's a fair few (attacking fans, points deducted etc) that are almost exclusive to the rags under Ferguson. He's clearly not much of a disciplinarian or a very shit one and no matter how many times Beckham tells us about the time he kicked a boot at his stupid face, it still doesn't change a thing.

If a player can produce the goods on the pitch then Ferguson doesn't give a fuck what they do in their private lives, I'd assume most coaches are the same although given Ferguson's past I'd say Sir Alex is either very lenient indeed or a very poor and not respected disciplinarian.

-- Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:06 am --

carlos92 said:
You are entitled to your opinion. Maybe you are right that he cannot sort their private lives, but you cannot argue against his man-mangement skills (they ran us a closer than they should of).

He's good at getting the best out of pretty average players at times but Gazza was special.

I'm not having a go at you, I just hate ferguson a lot :)
Two absolutely fucking stunning posts there TMQ. I've said that stuff for fucking years. Sick to death of that fucking media bullshit about 'Fergie would sort him out'. One of the biggest lies, amongst a litany of lies about the ****. I'll leave it at that because your posts above say the rest.

i'll second that! absolute class posts mighty quinn.
and gazza never took the piss out of lakey.lakey had the better of him and didnt let him play,so he took to making big ears at him! wow what a player! i think not.
if you take the press out on the piss with you and give them a story every single night,theyll tell the world you shit gold nuggets.but when it stops,theyll drop you from a heavy height
Missed drug tests.
Attacking fans.
Points deducted for on pitch brawls.
Players refusing to play.
Players openly questioning the clubs transfers and suggesting the club was failing.
Players purposely ending other players careers.
Constant stream of snide comments from Twitter by 'professional players'.
Players cheating on their wives.
Alleged rape at Xmas parties.
Alleged rape elsewhere.
Players arrested for beating girls.
Players arrested in a car full of guns and drugs.
Players shagging prostitutes.

can I add: players having sex with prostitutes whilst their pregnant wives are at home
players shagging their brothers wife

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