Gazzetta: Sneijder completes €36m move to City (continued)

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hgblue said:
big blueballs said:
richards30 said:
i agree!!
Listen, what I was told is if he leaves Inter it is to the rags not us, but like I said that has come from the dark side, it could be different at the city end I don't know, simple really make of that what you will

Maybe you're in receipt of old news mate? I get the feeling things have moved on a bit, hence Ferguson's attempted face saving statement that they're 'no longer in for' Sneijder, which roughly translates to 'he's chosen to go to City'.
and he's no longer in for Nasri... Oh and Sanchez ...and...
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
big blueballs said:
richards30 said:
i agree!!
Listen, what I was told is if he leaves Inter it is to the rags not us, but like I said that has come from the dark side, it could be different at the city end I don't know, simple really make of that what you will

So you've spoken to someone today - a player - who has told you that the gazzeta story is bull?

lol we still in the hunt zin? get your bro back on here mate!
adrianr said:
WTGD!! said:
Whats the latest then?....

Some bloke reckons there will be an exclusive regarding Sneijder in a few hours, breaking in some UAE paper. Tone and language implies Gazetta is talking shit and it's good news for the Rags. Which really is about as surprising as hearing the news that Bacon face fancies the odd tipple every 5 minutes or so.

LOL. A paper in the UAE with the exclusive.
Footyblue said:
adrianr said:
WTGD!! said:
Whats the latest then?....

Some bloke reckons there will be an exclusive regarding Sneijder in a few hours, breaking in some UAE paper. Tone and language implies Gazetta is talking shit and it's good news for the Rags. Which really is about as surprising as hearing the news that Bacon face fancies the odd tipple every 5 minutes or so.

LOL. A paper in the UAE with the exclusive.

He writes for the Sunday Times here too but gets paid by The National to put exclusives on their site quicker.
Footyblue said:
adrianr said:
WTGD!! said:
Whats the latest then?....

Some bloke reckons there will be an exclusive regarding Sneijder in a few hours, breaking in some UAE paper. Tone and language implies Gazetta is talking shit and it's good news for the Rags. Which really is about as surprising as hearing the news that Bacon face fancies the odd tipple every 5 minutes or so.

LOL. A paper in the UAE with the exclusive.

If he's got a load of people hanging on his words, even when he probably knows fuck all & will say fuck all, he done everything he set out to do.
Interesting we have officially denied going for Eriksen (sp) but haven't officially denied this yet
blueinsa said:
big blueballs said:
richards30 said:
i agree!!
Listen, what I was told is if he leaves Inter it is to the rags not us, but like I said that has come from the dark side, it could be different at the city end I don't know, simple really make of that what you will

Maybe you should have a little faith in the blue side instead of pinning everything on the fucking rags words!
Hey I hope I am wrong, and what I have been told is bollocks and WS comes to us, all I am doing is telling other blues what I have been told, like I said I hope he comes to us, I will be quite happy to have been fed some bollocks, the only thing I will say is, he told me that they were not in for Nasri even though sky and the press kept running the story they were, later that week bacon face confirmed in a press conference they had no interest in Nasri, this is why I have no reason to doubt him at the moment
AntonDonJuan said:
Interesting we have officially denied going for Eriksen (sp) but haven't officially denied this yet
the ssn article is abit mis-leading as well!! headline says no truth in sneijder deal but then says that city have stated that they havent wrappped up a deal!! doesnt say we`re not trying too or arent interested!
Neville Kneville said:
Footyblue said:
adrianr said:
Some bloke reckons there will be an exclusive regarding Sneijder in a few hours, breaking in some UAE paper. Tone and language implies Gazetta is talking shit and it's good news for the Rags. Which really is about as surprising as hearing the news that Bacon face fancies the odd tipple every 5 minutes or so.

LOL. A paper in the UAE with the exclusive.

If he's got a load of people hanging on his words, even when he probably knows fuck all & will say fuck all, he done everything he set out to do.

Duncan Castles is a pretty well-respected writer. Like every other journo he gets his share wrong, but he is pretty good. He was the man to follow on the Tevez Corinthians saga.
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