GB News

This programme (channel) will most likely still be on the air at Christmas and if it is will definitely still be shit. We'll all feel vindicated in a way.
Already plans for a show starring Tommy Robinson called "Tommy's White Christmas"
From the last crime survey

The vast majority of sexual offences do not get solved. In fact, most sexual offences do not even get reported to the police.
The Crime Survey for England and Wales shows 151,000 people - including 144,000 women - were victims of rape or attempted rape in the last year for which these figures are available.
But just 59,000 rapes were actually reported to the police last year.
In the same year, just 1,439 people were actually convicted. This was the lowest number since figures started being released in 2014-15.’ @

To be honest, the threat to women of ‘gender self identification’ would seem to be low on the list of things to worry about. Trans people exist, always have done and if Gareth wants to self identify as Gwen, then who gives a fuck?

Yes and ironically if someone born male identifies as trans and has a sex change (GRS) to become a passable woman then they increase the likelihood of them being harassed in the street or sexually assaulted instead of just living as a man.
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What is this nonsense? There's no picking out "the woman".

As far as you're concerned they're all women.

How do you know that? I've never said I support blanket self-id.

I showed that video of Alex Drummond to a postop transexual and a transvestite with a theatrical background who lives their life predominantly as a camp homosexual man and they both thought he was absurd.

Doesn't make your Graham linehan tribute act any less sad though.

What are your views on how the athletics bodies treat DSD/intersex athletes?

Pretty appalling telling these poor souls who have lived their whole lives up until that point, none the wiser (often because of poverty and limited formal education) that they weren't XX women that they can't compete in certain sports.

Laurel Hubbard had no effect on that competition. Sarah Robles finished 3rd at both the 2016 and 2020 Olympics.
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No I didn’t.
If you think I did why don’t you quote me.
Not really arsed about what other people have said because it’s nothing to do with me.
I didn't quote you specifically, check if you like.
Although I can understand that you're not really arsed about what the others say, not many are.
How do you know that? I've never said I support blanket self-id.

That's true, do you?

Either ways anyone who posts this.....

If you put the Mormon and the New Zealander side by side, I think most people would have a hard time picking out "the woman".

has a narrow, dare I say it idealised view of femininity. These women fail that definition hence your assertion that they're indistinguishable from Hubbard.

Doesn't make your Graham linehan tribute act any less sad though.

The Mess We're In? Makes a damn sight more sense than Owen Jones's misogyny.

What are your views on how the athletics bodies treat DSD/intersex athletes?

Pretty appalling telling these poor souls who have lived their whole lives up until that point, none the wiser (often because of poverty and limited formal education) that they weren't XX women that they can't compete in certain sports.

Different gravy. A topic in its own right, as is gender ideology.

Laurel Hubbard had no effect on that competition. Sarah Robles finished 3rd at both the 2016 and 2020 Olympics.

Fuck me! Because Hubbard didn't win and disappointed the TERFs? What would you know? What would I know? Of the effect men have on women when they're competing in women's sports?

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That's true, do you?

Either ways anyone who posts this.....

has a narrow, dare I say it idealised view of femininity. These women fail that definition hence your assertion that they're indistinguishable from Hubbard.

The Mess We're In? Makes a damn sight more sense than Owen Jones's misogyny.

Different gravy. A topic in its own right, as is gender ideology.

Fuck me! Because Hubbard didn't win and disappointed the TERFs? What would you know? What would I know? Of the effect men have on women when they're competing in women's sports?

No. I don't support blanket self-id, and have said before that I don't automatically assume that someone declaring they are born in the wrong body is actually truely transgender. Autism and other developmental/psychological issues might be at play. And I have said this before on this forum.

The issue of self-id is a bit of a paradox, as most transexual women want to use cross sex hormones, and to have access to endocrinology services they would have to seen a psychologist/psychiatrist to confirm their feelings are actually symptoms of gender dysphoria.

I don't consider Alex Drummond as transexual or transgender in the sense that he is claiming to be a "transwoman" whilst wearing a full-face beard and having no intention to medically transistion whilst claiming to "queer gender" and deliberately dressing to be "recognised as a transgender" rather than a woman. That is a queer or gender non-conforming identity, not transexual.

I didn’t say it about the other women just Robles. And there is a reason why she has some more masculine features besides her chosen sport, she has polycystic ovary syndrome. Different hormonal levels and which can alter physical features.

Have you bothered to look up the scoreboards?

She finished 13 out of 13, only managed to make 1 lift and had 3 fails in the first category.
No. I don't support blanket self-id, and have said before that I don't automatically assume that someone declaring they are born in the wrong body is actually truely transgender. Autism and other developmental/psychological issues might be at play. And I have said this before on this forum.

The issue of self-id is a bit of a paradox, as most transexual women want to use cross sex hormones, and to have access to endocrinology services they would have to seen a psychologist/psychiatrist to confirm their feelings are actually symptoms of gender dysphoria.

I don't consider Alex Drummond as transexual or transgender in the sense that he is claiming to be a "transwoman" whilst wearing a full-face beard and having no intention to medically transistion whilst claiming to "queer gender" and deliberately dressing to be "recognised as a transgender" rather than a woman. That is a queer or gender non-conforming identity, not transexual.

I didn’t say it about the other women just Robles. And there is a reason why she has some more masculine features besides her chosen sport, she has polycystic ovary syndrome. Different hormonal levels and which can alter physical features.

Have you bothered to look up the scoreboards?

She finished 13 out of 13, only managed to make 1 lift and had 3 fails in the first category.

More grist to the mill...


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