GB News

For you the existence of every problem on the planet is your go to nothing to see card for gender ideology.

It wasn't particularly interesting in your first who gives a fuck post, It's tiresome and repetitive

I think gender ideology or whatever the fuck you want to call it is not the problem for women with 144,000 sexual assaults, a third acted on and around 1,500 resulting in conviction.

To me the anti-trans lobby seems to be a solution in search of a problem.
I think gender ideology or whatever the fuck you want to call it is not the problem for women with 144,000 sexual assaults, a third acted on and around 1,500 resulting in conviction.

To me the anti-trans lobby seems to be a solution in search of a problem.

144,000 accusations, a third with enough evidence and basis in fact that they actually could report it and 1,500 actually proven to be true.

We can all dress it to suit a narrative we want and end up with our own view of the world. Some of us just choose to take facts whereas others like yourself want to extrapolate another 142,500 guilty verdicts to suit your narrative. See right through you.

I guess Mendy is guilty without a conviction to, he'll be deemed a rapist regardless for the rest of his life whilst the accusers will see no recourse if they don't prove it. How long did Evans have to go away before he got justice? Career severely impeded and name tarnished forever. But to you, even your own are guilty based on an allegation so let's hang them at the gallows.
More grist to the mill...

An oddball on Tik Cok?

Who cares? People of all sexual orientations and gender expression get to pick who they want to date and have sex with. Is it transphobic? No. Most gay men aren't into transmen. People can have a sexual preference by ethnicity, I don't think it is racist.

It can sometimes be a case of people defining their wants and desires by their labels, e.g. "I'm gay so I can't possible get with that bloke who has a vagina, despite me salivating over his well-defined muscles and facial hair up until the point I found he was born female bodied". Rather than their wants and desires defining their label.

This sad individual needs to grow up and find someone receptive to their advances or open minded/flexible to "try new things".

This book that they were talking about is written by a transman. looks like a a semi-autobiographical children's book to me rather than pervasive gender propaganda.


for some reason forum software isn't letting me paste the direct link so I have posted it as plain text

I'm Not a Girl: A Transgender Story
An oddball on Tik Cok?

Who cares? People of all sexual orientations and gender expression get to pick who they want to date and have sex with. Is it transphobic? No. Most gay men aren't into transmen. People can have a sexual preference by ethnicity, I don't think it is racist.

It can sometimes be a case of people defining their wants and desires by their labels, e.g. "I'm gay so I can't possible get with that bloke who has a vagina, despite me salivating over his well-defined muscles and facial hair up until the point I found he was born female bodied". Rather than their wants and desires defining their label.

This sad individual needs to grow up and find someone receptive to their advances or open minded/flexible to "try new things".

This book that they were talking about is written by a transman. looks like a a semi-autobiographical children's book to me rather than pervasive gender propaganda.


for some reason forum software isn't letting me paste the direct link so I have posted it as plain text

I'm Not a Girl: A Transgender Story

This is not the thread or even the forum to discuss this topic, truth is we talk past each other and we're both guilty of it.

I can't engage with you because I do not acknowledge the language you use. In order to debate I would have to accept that trans women are women and trans men are men and I don't.

When I ask BobKowalski

  1. Do you think adult human females should be able to have a word to define themselves, in the same way all other female mammals have? If so, what do you think that word should be?
And his answer is....

What word does a female wombat use to define themselves?

There really isn't much point in taking it any further.

I remember in a post of yours a while back you said something along the lines that I came across as a bitter old man.

So my advice would be hang about a bit and you'll have a clear run to truly fuck it up, it's the gift every generation passes to the next.
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