GB News

I’ve no idea how to arrange this post to make it clear to answer so I’ll just do it:

Mass means a large number of people or objects crowded together according to Oxford Dictionary.
Mass then can mean 6 in 10, 7 in 15, 8 in 17, as they are the Mass, taking Mass as majority. The use of the word "mass" meaning large numbers gives a wrong impression. Would you describe the 137.862 (UK Census 2011) people from France living in the UK as mass? Are the 6.2 million people living in the UK who are non British "mass"? Are the 485,654 non British students studying in the UK "mass"? Does the PL have a mass immigration problem, are City a proponent of "mass" immigration?
I never said we were close to becoming a minority nationwide, I just said being concerned about it in certain areas, such as the areas in London where only 20% of children had both parents that were born here, isn’t racist.
I never said being concerned about immigration is racist, I am concerned about immigration, the problem I have is when people like myself counter the myths that are spouted around immigration, those spouting the myths then believe I am indicating they are racist. Which is nonsense and it is clouding the debate. People like that fucking clown from Patriotic Alternative who films at Dover, Farage with his crass Goebbelesque poster and the RW media like the Mail and Express do not help a sensible discussion, they raise hackles and encourage division. Of course the likes of Priti Patel exploit these divisions to employ more authoritarian immigration laws
I used Indians as they are the largest immigrant ethnic group in the UK.
Which is fair enough, they have become the largest in part to the declining population of Irish people in the UK , this is due to the aging of the Irish community. At one point 12.1% of people born in Eire lived in the UK.
I agree culture changes but it also stays the same in particular subsections, retaining tradition is important and the good parts we can have from others, such as curry (who doesn’t love curry?) is great.
Retaining tradition is not always great, it used to be tradition to send kids up chimneys and down coal mines. As a country develops many traditions fall by the wayside and are replaced by new traditions.
These places might be insular but it’s all to differing degrees, I’m not saying we should stay the same as we were 1000 years ago like they have, but we should preserve what we can, when it makes sense to do so and the public wishes to.
They are not like they were 1000 years ago, Yuval Noah Harari argues that biology shows that an incredibly small percentage survives, and at best improves things. This indicates progression is vital for there survival,
I never said swamped or illegal (although we should obviously do our best to safely stop immigrants risking their lives through unsafe means) but mass is a term that is accurate to describe the runaway numbers in the 00’s and 90’s. Net hundreds of thousands isn’t sustainable and was done in a way where certain areas had very high concentrations of numbers. It was done very poorly.
Asylum applications peaked at around 85,000 P/A in 2002, it now stands at 24,000 P/A, people who came here from the EU were not immigrants, they were exercising freedom of movement rights. This is one of the most misunderstood and badly interpreted parts of the Immigration debate. Immigrants can not be immigrants if they are moving freely. Otherwise we would have mass immigration into London from Scotland, from Belfast into Liverpool etc etc.
I agree, we should have steady immigration into the country but based on jobs and those who are in danger of where they are coming from. Thousands or tens of thousands, rather than hundreds of thousands is reasonable.
About 70% of the population increase between the 2001 and 2011 censuses was due to immigration. 7.5 million people (11.9% of the population at the time) were born overseas, although the census gives no indication of their immigration status or intended length of stay. As we around 500,000 students per year studying in the UK ( vital for our university funding) that leaves a shortfall 2.5 million. That is 250,000 per year, take away the 85,000 asylum seekers and the figure is 165,000 per year. Take away the shit players United buy and that lowers it further :)

Provisional figures show that in 2013, 526,000 people arrived to live in the UK whilst 314,000 left, meaning that net inward migration was 212,000. The number of people immigrating to the UK increased between 2012 and 2013 by 28,000, whereas the number emigrating fell by 7,000.

I reiterate, i do not think wanting to limit immigration is racist, but I do think calling immigrants cockroaches is. I also think there needs to be a distinction made between illegal immigrant and asylum seeker and the Govt. rather than pandering to the RW extremists should set an example. Until we have a sensible debate where facts matter and myths are dispelled it suits extremists and it suits racists, and racists love nothing more than being accused of being racists, in some warped way it justifies there own existence and in some weird way allows themselves to portray themselves as patriots.
Mass then can mean 6 in 10, 7 in 15, 8 in 17, as they are the Mass, taking Mass as majority. The use of the word "mass" meaning large numbers gives a wrong impression. Would you describe the 137.862 (UK Census 2011) people from France living in the UK as mass? Are the 6.2 million people living in the UK who are non British "mass"? Are the 485,654 non British students studying in the UK "mass"? Does the PL have a mass immigration problem, are City a proponent of "mass" immigration?

I never said being concerned about immigration is racist, I am concerned about immigration, the problem I have is when people like myself counter the myths that are spouted around immigration, those spouting the myths then believe I am indicating they are racist. Which is nonsense and it is clouding the debate. People like that fucking clown from Patriotic Alternative who films at Dover, Farage with his crass Goebbelesque poster and the RW media like the Mail and Express do not help a sensible discussion, they raise hackles and encourage division. Of course the likes of Priti Patel exploit these divisions to employ more authoritarian immigration laws

Which is fair enough, they have become the largest in part to the declining population of Irish people in the UK , this is due to the aging of the Irish community. At one point 12.1% of people born in Eire lived in the UK.

Retaining tradition is not always great, it used to be tradition to send kids up chimneys and down coal mines. As a country develops many traditions fall by the wayside and are replaced by new traditions.

They are not like they were 1000 years ago, Yuval Noah Harari argues that biology shows that an incredibly small percentage survives, and at best improves things. This indicates progression is vital for there survival,

Asylum applications peaked at around 85,000 P/A in 2002, it now stands at 24,000 P/A, people who came here from the EU were not immigrants, they were exercising freedom of movement rights. This is one of the most misunderstood and badly interpreted parts of the Immigration debate. Immigrants can not be immigrants if they are moving freely. Otherwise we would have mass immigration into London from Scotland, from Belfast into Liverpool etc etc.

About 70% of the population increase between the 2001 and 2011 censuses was due to immigration. 7.5 million people (11.9% of the population at the time) were born overseas, although the census gives no indication of their immigration status or intended length of stay. As we around 500,000 students per year studying in the UK ( vital for our university funding) that leaves a shortfall 2.5 million. That is 250,000 per year, take away the 85,000 asylum seekers and the figure is 165,000 per year. Take away the shit players United buy and that lowers it further :)

Provisional figures show that in 2013, 526,000 people arrived to live in the UK whilst 314,000 left, meaning that net inward migration was 212,000. The number of people immigrating to the UK increased between 2012 and 2013 by 28,000, whereas the number emigrating fell by 7,000.

I reiterate, i do not think wanting to limit immigration is racist, but I do think calling immigrants cockroaches is. I also think there needs to be a distinction made between illegal immigrant and asylum seeker and the Govt. rather than pandering to the RW extremists should set an example. Until we have a sensible debate where facts matter and myths are dispelled it suits extremists and it suits racists, and racists love nothing more than being accused of being racists, in some warped way it justifies there own existence and in some weird way allows themselves to portray themselves as patriots.
I completely agree calling immigrants cockroaches or anything demeaning is totally unacceptable, and I would challenge anyone who did.

It’s all about numbers for me and making sure those coming have skills and values to contribute. I don’t care where in the world they come from, whether it’s Germany or Nigeria or India, if their background check is clean and they have occupational skills we need, then let’s bring in a certain amount from anywhere.

This also includes refugees and our current system is shite. Then it’s about integrating these people and spreading the load of immigration across the country.

The only thing I want to challenge is what I mean by mass and I’m using mass, which lets be fair, is a term that has several meanings and definitions in particular contexts, because of the tenfold increase of immigration under that **** Blair and the tosser who came after him (Cameron). Mass is in reference to a much larger amount than was previously considered the usual.
I completely agree calling immigrants cockroaches or anything demeaning is totally unacceptable, and I would challenge anyone who did.

It’s all about numbers for me and making sure those coming have skills and values to contribute. I don’t care where in the world they come from, whether it’s Germany or Nigeria or India, if their background check is clean and they have occupational skills we need, then let’s bring in a certain amount from anywhere.

This also includes refugees and our current system is shite. Then it’s about integrating these people and spreading the load of immigration across the country.

The only thing I want to challenge is what I mean by mass and I’m using mass, which lets be fair, is a term that has several meanings and definitions in particular contexts, because of the tenfold increase of immigration under that **** Blair and the tosser who came after him (Cameron). Mass is in reference to a much larger amount than was previously considered the usual.

where are they all now? We have labour shorages
The Labour shortages are mostly down to the pandemic.

No they aren't. Many EU citizens went home when the pandemic hit and now they don't qualify to come back and work. The so called pingdemic was ended on the 16th August - if you are double jabbed you don't have to self isolate if you get pinged unless you too have symptoms. So the pingdemic that was hitting businesses can no longer be blamed.
No they aren't. Many EU citizens went home when the pandemic hit and now they don't qualify to come back and work. The so called pingdemic was ended on the 16th August - if you are double jabbed you don't have to self isolate if you get pinged unless you too have symptoms. So the pingdemic that was hitting businesses can no longer be blamed.
As highlighted in the lorry debate, the biggest factor there is new drivers not being able to take tests. In fact that figure was 3 times the amount lost going back to the EU.

Looking forward, we control our border and can turn the tap on for people with certain skills whenever we wish.

It’s down the this government to sort that out but any competent government could do it.
As highlighted in the lorry debate, the biggest factor there is new drivers not being able to take tests. In fact that figure was 3 times the amount lost going back to the EU.

Looking forward, we control our border and can turn the tap on for people with certain skills whenever we wish.

It’s down the this government to sort that out but any competent government could do it.

This govt won't as it fears a gammon backlash - also the number you quote is the backlog of tests - the pass rate is only 58% so just over half those would qualify
This govt won't as it fears a gammon backlash - also the number you quote is the backlog of tests - the pass rate is only 58% so just over half those would qualify
I don’t know what gammon means but I doubt anyone would notice if a few thousand truck drivers came in.

Yeah the shortage is a backlog of people who couldn’t do their tests last year. The issues won’t be as prevalent when everything is caught up.
I don’t know what gammon means but I doubt anyone would notice if a few thousand truck drivers came in.

Yeah the shortage is a backlog of people who couldn’t do their tests last year. The issues won’t be as prevalent when everything is caught up.

Once again I'll educate you - although I don't believe you are unaware

Once again I'll educate you - although I don't believe you are unaware

I’m not sure why you’re being rude.

You got a statistic right yesterday, fair play on that but your reasoning on why the statistic exists was incorrect.

Just read your link, isn’t skin colour being brought up the thing we’re trying to move away from?

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