GB News

I’m not sure why you’re being rude.

You got a statistic right yesterday, fair play on that but your reasoning on why the statistic exists was incorrect.

Just read your link, isn’t skin colour being brought up the thing we’re trying to move away from?

Its an insult which dates back to 1604 - was Brexit a thing then I forget? You are just being disingenuous because you cannot bring yourself to consider any part of Brexit is a failure. Your prerogative to do so but incredibly delusional. You keep believing Brexit has nothing to do with labour shortages across the economy despite what various business leaders tell us - feel free to think the shell fishermen voluntarily went to the wall because they no longer wanted to supply the EU and you will be able to enjoy your next holiday in an EU member country by starting off in a long queue of non-EU passengers.

FYI my brother in law is a HGV driver - he changed jobs 2 months ago for more money but has been tempted back to his old employers who have all but doubled his wage. He tells me that the yard is only half empty every day because all those cabs occupied by Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese and Latvia drivers no longer have those bums on their seats. For double money they would probably come back but lets be honest Patel will move mountains to prevent that happening - she will see the poor starve and people have no fuel in filling stations before she will buckle - unlike Johnson and Raab - is all over her brief and acts accordingly
Its an insult which dates back to 1604 - was Brexit a thing then I forget? You are just being disingenuous because you cannot bring yourself to consider any part of Brexit is a failure. Your prerogative to do so but incredibly delusional. You keep believing Brexit has nothing to do with labour shortages across the economy despite what various business leaders tell us - feel free to think the shell fishermen voluntarily went to the wall because they no longer wanted to supply the EU and you will be able to enjoy your next holiday in an EU member country by starting off in a long queue of non-EU passengers.

FYI my brother in law is a HGV driver - he changed jobs 2 months ago for more money but has been tempted back to his old employers who have all but doubled his wage. He tells me that the yard is only half empty every day because all those cabs occupied by Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese and Latvia drivers no longer have those bums on their seats. For double money they would probably come back but lets be honest Patel will move mountains to prevent that happening - she will see the poor starve and people have no fuel in filling stations before she will buckle - unlike Johnson and Raab - is all over her brief and acts accordingly
You need to relax mate, I’ve been on this forum a week and can see you’re a bit obsessive over Brexit but don’t take it out on me, I don’t care enough.

I never said Brexit didn’t impact it, I just said what the article you posted said, which was the biggest contributor was a back log due to the pandemic. Brexit is obviously a factor but only equates for 15% of the shortages - according to the very article you posted.

Have a nice evening.
You need to relax mate, I’ve been on this forum a week and can see you’re a bit obsessive over Brexit but don’t take it out on me, I don’t care enough.

I never said Brexit didn’t impact it, I just said what the article you posted said, which was the biggest contributor was a back log due to the pandemic. Brexit is obviously a factor but only equates for 15% of the shortages - according to the very article you posted.

Have a nice evening.

You need to relax mate, I’ve been on this forum a week and can see you’re a bit obsessive over Brexit but don’t take it out on me, I don’t care enough.

I never said Brexit didn’t impact it, I just said what the article you posted said, which was the biggest contributor was a back log due to the pandemic. Brexit is obviously a factor but only equates for 15% of the shortages - according to the very article you posted.

Have a nice evening.

I always enjoy reading how Brexit is only partly to blame for problems, given the Leave campaign was based on there being zero downside and would be a positive boon for the UK.

Five years on and the best we can do is “well, it's only 15% to blame”. Yeah, that a real positive thumbs up for Brexit.

Funny as fuck, though.
The only thing I want to challenge is what I mean by mass and I’m using mass, which lets be fair, is a term that has several meanings and definitions in particular contexts, because of the tenfold increase of immigration under that **** Blair and the tosser who came after him (Cameron). Mass is in reference to a much larger amount than was previously considered the usual.
Mass can also be used as a pejorative like when Farage raised the spectre of Turks taking over towns, despite there being little to no chance that the EU would let Turkey join their cosy capitalist club.

This use of mass is what damages any sensible debate, because it empowers racists. I have zero truck with RW populism especially the nasty variant employed by the likes of Farage and Le Pen.

Blair was far too relaxed about the effects of immigration, not on its actual effects but its effects on mindsets. He allowed a narrative to develop which was exploited ruthlessly by Farage and the rabid anti EU RW nutjobs of the Tory party. It set the scene for racism to thrive and to prosper, The amount of times i heard people say they want to leave the EU to stop immigration from the Indian sub continent is mind blowing. These idiots actually thought leaving the EU would stop immigration from India/Pakistan. It fuelled the rise of the EDL and enriched Tiny Tommy ten names as he saw the chance to exploit division and he attracted the racist element to the cause. Moving back to the topic this also helped create the conditions for GB News to exist as the racists needed confirmation of their particular bias.

It does come back to Blair though, when the EU expanded to include some Eastern European states, the UK was the only nation to decide not to impose transitional immigration controls. Cameron could have imposed them too but by then the genie was out of the bottle and his ridiculous attempt to cut immigration to the tens of thousands was ill judged because the people coming were no longer immigrants, they were using the freedom of movement rules enjoyed by all across the EU. Describing Polish and Romanian people living in the UK as immigrants was as stupid as describing somebody from Salford moving to Manchester as an immigrant. Of course though and i generalise racists are too fucking stupid to understand that distinction because they literally see things as black and white. Farage played this though like a fiddle, with his nonsense about traffic jams on the M4 being caused by the Polish, people not speaking English on trains etc etc.
Looking forward, we control our border and can turn the tap on for people with certain skills whenever we wish.

It’s down the this government to sort that out but any competent government could do it.
Pity we don't have one.

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