GB News

I still don’t understand who is paying for this shit, because they’re shit!

Its like the Sun, Mail, Telegraph, Talk Radio and TV and all those Think Tanks - they are not there to make money and no-one minds if they make losses because they are bankrolled by faceless men and organisations from here and around the world worth billions who are raping this country of its cash and resources - the job of these outlets is to pump shit into peoples ears. The Think Tanks pour it into the ears of Ministers and MP's the media are there to do the same to the gammon. They are not after quality they are after reach.
Its like the Sun, Mail, Telegraph, Talk Radio and TV and all those Think Tanks - they are not there to make money and no-one minds if they make losses because they are bankrolled by faceless men and organisations from here and around the world worth billions who are raping this country of its cash and resources - the job of these outlets is to pump shit into peoples ears. The Think Tanks pour it into the ears of Ministers and MP's the media are there to do the same to the gammon. They are not after quality they are after reach.
Are you saying that were being manipulated by rich overlords?

Hearing that the media are top heavy with those who are shilling for coin.
Its that time of year again when these knobs pull out their old "winterval" fake story to wind up the gammon

Although Calvin Robinson has earned nicknames like ‘Cosplay Vicar’ and ‘Pound Shop Padre’, what most annoys me about him is his scriptural and theological illiteracy. And this is because he lacks even a first degree in either Religious Studies or Theology.

One of the first things you learn when you study the Bible is that lots of it is fictional, mythical and internally contradictory.

For example, the Nativity narratives in Matthew and Luke are almost certainly invented, and it is almost impossible to identify with certainty a core of authentic teachings that can be attributed to Jesus.

And when it comes to the ethical teachings of the Bible, some theologians have either concluded that many are no longer relevant to the modern world or even that the text as a whole can provide no basis for morality.

For example, while he was Bishop of Edinburgh, Richard Holloway wrote a book called Godless Morality: Keeping Religion out of Ethics. It is the kind of publication that one could imagine being authored by Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, and there is almost certainly very little that those two would find disagreeable about Holloway’s line of argument.

Liberal Christians know this and are as hard on their own sacred text as some of the New Atheists.

But characters like Robinson who make out that it is like a piece of dictation from God will always find a credulous audience for their disingenuous nonsense, especially among pro-lifers, those opposed to the legalisation of doctor-assisted suicide, and pathetic Little Englanders.

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