General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
He Co-ordinated a very generous plan. Why the abuse?
I didn't see any abuse in his post but all joking aside, I actually agree that the scheme he came up with back then was generous and I recall his delivery was very good when announcing furlough, etc. Well, compared to your mate Boris that is. Unfortunately for you and all the other diehard Tory voters, that was as good as it got for Sunak and he's been on a downward spiral ever since. His demeanour during this election campaign has been nothing short of pathetic and defeatist. I seem to recall back in 1987 Kinnock was staring down the barrel of a heavy defeat just like Sunak was but he still showed a lot more fight than Sunak could muster. In short, he's a fucking charlatan
Truss after defeat banging on about not stopping immigration and not lowering taxes doing for the Tory vote. She just took part an a GE where that was the central plank of Sunaks offer and they have been destroyed - its that failure to grasp that you are in power to do what the people want NOT what you and your donors want the thick ****.
It’s representative of the areas where the votes were captured. You’re voting for someone to represent an area in parliament. It’s technically not just a vote for the party leader to be PM. How do you decide on representation from a popular vote? The Lib Dem’s purposely targeted seats they could actually win rather than reform which just hoped for the best.
There are several different methods of proportional representation such as party lists and STV. Many countries manage to achieve proportional representation. We used it in elections for the euro parliament. FPTP is not the only voting system by a long way.
I'm no tory but don't see why Osborne would take any blame. The demise of the tories started with Boris and brexit. Downhill from there.

Even though the #GetBrexitDone got the Tories in last time? Corbyn’s refusal to commit to a stance ruined him.

I’ve written this before but I solely blame the disastrous Truss / Kwarteng budget that was very bad news for millions of people.
You may be right about Reform and it would be lazy to say that only racists voted for them. What I would add is that it’s easy to promise all kinds of unrealistic shit when you know you’ve no chance of winning a GE. Labour and the Tories don’t have that luxury as they’re always the main parties fighting it out to run the country so their manifestos have to be at least semi-sensible.
The Lib Dems and Greens could also promise the moon on a stick as a labour majority was always likely meaning no chance of having to deliver in a coalition.
He Co-ordinated a very generous plan. Why the abuse?
I suppose i could get abusive with the astronomical amounts of money the man wasted, that gave away in untendered contracts to people not up to the job, that he gave away in ‘covid loans’ to multiple fraudulent claims.
The £1.7M spent on ‘painting the PM’s plane’, £120M on ‘the festival of Brexit’, £911M on ‘consultancy fees’ in 2021, double the previous year, £2.3B in fines to the EU for lax customs checks on Chinese goods, £55M on government lawyers for the Covid enquiry, £40M for MOD ‘personal helicopter rides’, £29B on test and trace, over £1B on unusable PPE and testing contracts, millions more on storing it and now millions more on destroying it. All awarded un-tendered again and many of them with links to now ex-ministers and ex-MP’s. We spent over £160B on covid compared to France’s £30B for about the same outcomes.
And, of course, he didn’t insure the national debt, incurred as a result of the Quantitive Easing which he used to issue his ‘Covid Payouts’ against interest rate rises which cost £11B.
These are just a small number of examples and a full catalogue of wasteful spending is attached.

So, all in all, he’s been absolutely useless as both a chancellor and a PM and that’s being generous.

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