Then there's people like nico1 that votes Labour and only them and is avowed to never change whatever happens in the world or the party itself.
So for every voter that takes an interest, there are half a dozen idiots as well.
You could say that for all parties at one point, but I think it has changed in the last 15 -20 years, media focus has changed to less about policy and manifesto's and more about single subjects or personalities, and our democracy is worse off for it.
Bit of a waffle next and probably added more than necessary but;
I voted labour and was a member from 18 in first time 97 not bacause of the leader, but because I was brought up labour and socialist, and again in 2001, the next 2 elections I voted green as labour policy on some things and the surge in the progress sub group influence in the party left a sour taste, being in gorton I knew my vote wouldn't change the MP but I still wished to put my choice across.
Because I voted green I left the party just before and only rejoined 2 years ago after the 2015 loss and before corbyn became leader (full remembership not the 3 quid nonsense).
What I notice though after leaving is that a lot of political events I attended were all about 1 issue that was being focused on by the media or personalities, not actual broad ranging ideas of bettering the nation, I will vote labour again in June, but I ain't voting for corbyn I am voting for the present labour policies over the blurred shadowy, we may tell you policies of the tories.
Honestly I would prefer a different labour leader, but if another balls, cooper, kendall, D milliband type was leader I would quit again and probably opt for the greens, who if labour supporters who get dissalusioned with labour are the natural alternative, unfortunately though their core issues are not the headlime grabbers and so maginalised for sensationalism of ukip the last 5 years as our countries obsession with the EU has been.
I think a lot of people don't automatically stick with the party they started with, but the one that focuses on the popular subject of the day and percieved personalities and when the countries politics is lead by one subject or one person then we all suffer.
The last paragraph is not a slight on people though, I just think modern britain some people have less time or too many distractions to properly delve into the parties full manifestos and policies, so core focussed issues in media can lead some opinions, others will be very knowledgable and make very informed choices, while other will automatically vote as per always.