General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Food bans, food banks, nurses using food banks, policemen using food banks, same old chestnut, load of bollocks. If any working person ' needs ' a food bank they also need basic education. Food banks give free food, people will use them, give away free beer, free drugs, free petrol,give away anything free people will take it. Too many folk expect to have what they want nowadays. If people didn't live beyond their means life would be a lot easier for a lot of people. It really isn't rocket science.

Seems like a socialist wet dream food banks, people with food(greedy bastards grabbing lobster thermadore to themselves) handing over food to the less fortunate low paid starving nurses. Cut out the middle man and go straight to the source of the problem. My car needs changing if anyone has a motor lying around unused.
I would expect it to. Which is precisely why Corbyn predictions about how much he would raise from corporation tax increases are wildly optimistic as it completely ignored the negative effects.

I'm genuinely puzzled as to whether Corbyn and McDonnell are dishonest or deluded.
Darling didn't have a plan, Len. He made projections, his objective being to halve the deficit in 5 years. A very sensible objective, much more realistic than Osborne's crazy idea that the deficit could be wiped out in that period. But Darling didnt have a plan as to how he would get from A to B. And he hadnt even started a dialogue within the Labour party as to what deficit reduction would entail.

Although interestingly with the wheels off bouncing along down the road ahead, Brown had already realised that he'd allowed the public sector to become FAR too big and expensive and had been desperately trying to implement public sector pay curbs.

Who'd have thought it eh, Labour putting the brakes on public sector pay. And very unpopular it was too. Doubtless Jerry voted against. Bless.
I'm offering ten full pounds each to any Tory voter on here to change their vote to labour. My lad wants to go to Uni next year and it will save me a small fortune.

Make it a grand... I'd still tell you to stick it up your backside and I live in a Labour safe seat....... i wouldn't vote for Jezzer for a King's ransom.... a serial also-ran with very dubious loyalties

It's a real shame that May is piss poor because any other Tory PM worth their salt would have wiped the fucking floor with him...
Ah, the boy is back from my little ban-ette. Apparently I've been too insulting and here was me thinking I was holding back. You should have heard what I REALLY think ;-)

Anyway, there's a number of things I'd like to reply to but let me start with this:

1. The reason it's the "usual blame", is because it was indeed their fault and it's appropriate to blame those who's fault it is. Labour inherited from the Conservatives an economy in good shape, with a budget surplus. But with their usual tax and spend and then more tax because the tax didn't raise as much as they hoped... they managed to run up a big fat deficit BEFORE the crash of 2007. Got that? I'll say it again: They managed to return the economy to the toilet BEFORE the crash of 2007.

Given they presided over a period of world-wide prosperity and growth, this was quite a feat, even by Labour standards. Admittedly it took much longer than it usually takes them to fuck up the economy, but that's because Blair was "Labour-light". Nevertheless, by the end, his mucker the good old glass-eye wobble-chin had raided every single tax pot he could imagine and some. He'd complete run out of pots to pinch from. Tax on insurance, tax on air travel, tax on god knows what.

The most insidious of these was his stealth tax on pensions. In 1997, your average £200/m pension would yield a return of about £250,000 after 20 years. After Gordon's gift to us all, those same investments were yielding about £150,000 in 2007. Thanks Gordy. A hundred grand out of pensioners' pockets in one nasty little stealth tax.

2. Good Lord. Labour preside over the deregulation of the banks, and it's the Tories' fault for not opposing them? Priceless, absolutely priceless.

3. Growth has been decent for years, as SWP has been pointing out. The Tories inherited a crock of shit (remember the "we've spent it all" note?) but with necessary but painful cuts (and YES, they have been painful) and careful management of the economy, they have managed to get things back on track. They've been back on track for 5 or 6 years now, steadily reducing the deficit whilst at the same time being very aware how much the cuts are hurting and therefore unable to cut as much as is perhaps really needed. That's why we still have a small deficit.

4. How's the debt mountain? Answer, it's growing nicely thanks??? But you know what it was growing by £180bn a year when Labour gave the Tories the hospital pass. They've managed to slow the supertanker and got it down to less than a quarter of that. Not bad. No, not perfect, but actually running a country is hard, as Blair and Brown so ably demonstrated by their managing to fuck it right up.

It is quite funny to hear Labour supporters ask how the debt mountain is, whilst completely ignoring the fact that THEY caused it. A bit like driving at 100 miles an hour down the wrong road for 10 minutes, then handing of the wheel to your mate and criticising him for not stopping soon enough, and having gone 100 yards further? You could not make it up.

5. As I say, running a country is hard. When you are handed from Labour massive debt, high taxes, a huge deficit and slow growth, what the fuck are you supposed to do? Raise taxes even further - the very thing that ruined the economy in the first place? Well obviously you have to be a bit careful about that, don't you. You can't go slapping huge great big tax rises around because it would crash the economy completely. How about borrow EVEN more? Again, very stupid as that would damage our credit rating, push up interest rates, push up the cost of servicing our debt, make everyone worse off and make the deficit even worse. So that's a no then.

So where was all the extra money to come from, to spend on all the things Labour demand the Tories spend it on? The cupboard was bare!

Austerity was an unfortunate necessity ("needless austerity" my ARSE) and it was always going to be hard. People actually understood that, which is why Cameron got in in the first place. They also understood it when he got reelected in 2015. No-one likes foodbanks of course, but contrary to what some people on here seem to think, it's just not possible to spend more money on everything. Doing that is the sure way to return to recession, job losses, unemployment and MORE food banks.
Flippin excellent, but did you have to remind me Brown fucked up my final salary arrangements, did you forget how Brown sold off our gold reserves at rock bottom price to fund the next tax and spend frenzy? :-)
Seems like a socialist wet dream food banks, people with food(greedy bastards grabbing lobster thermadore to themselves) handing over food to the less fortunate low paid starving nurses. Cut out the middle man and go straight to the source of the problem. My car needs changing if anyone has a motor lying around unused.

Low paid starving nurses £22,000 - £36,000 per annum and a lot them in Macc Gen have a bigger waist line than me.
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